
Module for various (posterior) sample post-processing operations.


The typical usage pattern is to use the following classes:

  • Runs to load a set of nested sampling runs on one underlying posterior distribution;

  • CornerPlotter to plot 1D and 2D marginal posterior density distributions (from a set of Runs instances) in lower-triangular form, and to compute various posterior estimators;

  • SignalPlotter to plot thematic X-ray signals (or, generally, derived quantities) in posterior- expected form or conditional-posterior form, together with ground truths (i.e., injected) and in component form when there are two or more disjoint surface hot regions;

  • to use the SignalPlotter class, a user must supply a set of plot class instances for each posterior distribution to be processed, where these native classes are

    and can be configured both on a class and instance level.


The aforementioned native classes can of course be subclassed if the aim is to wrap, modify, or add functionality too.

In order to make entirely new plot type, we need to subclass the abstract base class SignalPlot, using the native subclasses for guidance.

If new plot types are developed, please contribute to the source code via a pull request. Isolate the new functionality in a proposed submodule, adding your authorship information, and supply examples of usage in a Jupyter notebook (either a new tutorial or by extending an existing tutorial as appropriate). The subclass can then be imported from the submodule namespace as shown below for the native classes. Then add the submodule to the Sphinx doc pages. If you can include an example image in the subclass docstring, please do, as it will be rendered directly in the class documentation. Finally, if you can point to a journal article that implements the plot type, please do.

xpsi.PostProcessing.Runs(runs, likelihood, ...)

Container for nested sampling runs on a shared posterior.


Plot marginal posterior densities and estimators.


Plot conditional posterior distributions of thematic X-ray signals.


Plot the count data, the posterior-expected count signal, residuals, clusters and their related distributions.

xpsi.PostProcessing.PulsePlot([num_phases, ...])

Plot posterior-averaged channel-summed count-rate pulse profiles.


Plot posterior-averaged channel count-rate spectra.

class xpsi.PostProcessing.Runs(runs, likelihood, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Metadata

Container for nested sampling runs on a shared posterior.


likelihood – The instance of Likelihood used for sampling, or a clone of that instance. Defaults to None. If multiple likelihood functions are associated with the runs due to discreteness in the model space, one can pass a dictionary with keys matching the IDs of the runs.

property combined

Try to get a combined run in the form of a nestcheck backend.

get_attr(attribute, current=True, nestcheck_compatible=False)[source]

Get a list of attributes of the Run instances stored as the current subset.

property likelihood

Get the likelihood instance.

classmethod load_runs(ID, run_IDs, roots, base_dirs, use_nestcheck, likelihood=None, multi_mode=False, mode_label='mode', **kwargs)[source]

Construct a Runs instance by loading distinct runs.

param bool multi_mode:

Load the runs so that they are separated in different modes found by a MultiNest run with mmodal=True.

param string mode_label:

Select a label for the modes to be shown in the plots.

The kwargs will be shared by nested sampling runs. The args must be lists that will be zipped to instantiate a set of run backends.

property runs

Get a copy of the list of runs.

set_subset(IDs=None, combine=False, combine_all=False, force_combine=False, only_combined=False, only_principal=False, overwrite=False, split_modes=False)[source]

Set a current list of Run instances.

property subset

Get the current subset of runs for plotting.

property subset_to_plot

Get the current subset of runs (+ combined) for plotting.

class xpsi.PostProcessing.CornerPlotter(posteriors)[source]

Bases: PostProcessor

Plot marginal posterior densities and estimators.

KL_divergence(base='bits', bootstrap=False, quantiles=[0.025, 0.5, 0.975], n_simulate=200, **kwargs)[source]

Kullback-Leibler divergence integral jointly for all parameters.

E.g., if you want the interval about the median containing divergence of 90% of realisations, declare quantiles=[0.05,0.5,0.95].

evidence_error(quantiles=[0.025, 0.5, 0.975], n_simulate=200, flip_skew=True, **kwargs)[source]

Estimate evidence error for nestcheck-compatible runs.

E.g., if you want the interval about the median containing the evidence of 90% of realisations, declare quantiles=[0.05,0.5,0.95].

plot(params, IDs=None, combine=False, combine_all=False, only_combined=False, force_combine=True, overwrite_combined=False, split_modes=False, bootstrap_estimators=True, bootstrap_density=False, separate_plots=False, write=False, root_filename='', directory='./', ext='.pdf', dpi=300, maxdots=2000, **kwargs)[source]

Generate posterior density plots.

Invokes getdist and nestcheck for nested sampling runs.

Up to five runs can be plotted natively via nestcheck; beyond such a number the plots generally display too much information and clarity is lost.

  • params (list) – List of parameter strings for plotting. Must be shared by all posteriors selected with the IDs argument.

  • IDs (OrderedDict) – Keys must be string identifiers of Runs instances. Each dictionary element must be a list of string identifiers, each matching objects collected in Runs instance corresponding to the key. Defaults to None, meaning attempt to use as many runs as possible subject to plotting restrictions.


The order of IDs is used to control the layering of posteriors. If there are multiple underlying posteriors (i.e., multiple dictionary keys), only one (combined) run per posterior is rendered, and the first posterior is rendered on the topmost layer. If there is only one underlying posterior (i.e., one dictionary keys), then the combined-sample posterior, if available, is plotted on the topmost layer, whilst the runs on that posterior are rendered on layers underneath in the order specified in the list. In either case, estimators are calculated and reported for the (combined) run on the topmost layer.

  • combine (bool) – Additionally combine the runs into a single run for overplotting? The overriding setting if there is more than one underlying posterior to be plotted, is to attempt to combine runs on each posterior if multiple such runs are available, in order to reduce information density. If there is a single underlying posterior, the user-specified value is respected.

  • combine_all (bool) – Combine all runs in each Runs instance or only those for which IDs are provided? Ignored if combine is False.

  • force_combine (bool) – Force recombination of elligible run sets, even if a combined run is already cached?

  • only_combined (bool) – Only plot the combined run? Only heeded if a single posterior is selected for plotting, and in that case is ignored if combine is False.

  • overwrite_combined (bool) – Overwrite combined-sample files on disk with the same filename?

  • split_modes (bool) – Split modes for plotting input multi-mode runs?

  • bootstrap (bool) – Use nestcheck and fgivenx to bootstrap the runs for posterior density error estimation?

  • separate_plots (bool) – Generate a lower-triangle plot with getdist, and a separate error plot with nestcheck (with fgivenx and getdist). If False (default), the diagonal panels of the lower-triangle plot are modified by adding the nestcheck output. Ignored if bootstrap is False.

  • write (bool) – Export the figure?

  • root_filename (str) – Root filename to prepend to automatically generated name. Can be, e.g., a model and/or data set identifier.

  • directory (str) – If None defaults to current directory.

  • ext (str) – File extension for writing. E.g., '.png'.

  • dpi (int) – Dots-per-square-inch settings for exporting plots.

  • kwargs – Keyword arguments for the _plot_density_with_error() and _plot_triangle() methods. Keyword arguments for line properties (width, color, and alpha) for getdist contours and density distributions. If bootstrap and not separate_plots then the density distribution linewidth is set to zero if not explicitly specified with kwarg lw_1d. In addition, keyword arguments for avoiding unnecessary re-drawing of prior samples (force_draw, prior_samples_fnames and priors_identical). Param precisions (a list of integers or Nones) can be used to define the decimal number precision for each credible interval plotted. In case of 2 parameters, one can do e.g. precisions=[2,None] to use 2 digit decimal precision for the first parameter and use the default automatic precision for the second. Param ci_gap (a float) can be used to adjust the white gaps between the texts printed above the diagonal (the default is 0.12).

class xpsi.PostProcessing.SignalPlotter(posteriors)[source]

Bases: PostProcessor

Plot conditional posterior distributions of thematic X-ray signals.

Methods to plot the data and model for posterior checking.

Plots are generated for each posterior selected using the associated likelihood object.

For a given model, there may be multiple Signal instances per likelihood object. If this is the case, you need to reduce the model down to only the objects needed for functioning of the Signal object to be handled. To do this, simply remove supply to your likelihood object the references to this minimal set of objects. This minimises computation time and ensures explicit declaration of the signals to be plotted.


If a model has multiple instruments, then the energy set for signal integration is calculated based on waveband coverage union. If instruments are omitted from the likelihood object in order to execute posterior signal plotting, the number of energies that span the waveband of the remaining instrument waveband should be set to match the number in the full model (with all instruments) if the likelihood factor for the remaining instrument is to be exactly the same.

plot(plots, IDs=None, combine=False, combine_all=False, only_combined=False, force_combine=True, nsamples=200, cache=True, force_cache=False, cache_dir='./', read_only=False, archive=True)[source]

Compute and plot signals a posteriori.

  • plots (dict) – Dictionary of lists of plot objects, where each dictionary key must match a posterior ID.

  • IDs (OrderedDict) – Keys must be string identifiers of Runs instances. Each dictionary element must be a list of string identifiers, each matching objects collected in Runs instance corresponding to the key. Defaults to None, meaning attempt to use as many runs as possible subject to plotting restrictions.

  • cache (bool) – Cache intermediary model objects to accelerate post-processing?

  • force_cache (bool) – Force caching irrespective of checks of existing cache files. Useful if some part of the model is tweaked and the cache file with the same name and sample set is not manually moved from the designated directory..

  • nsamples (int) – Number of samples to use. Equally-weighted samples are generated, thus introducing a additional Monte Carlo noise which is ignored.

  • num_phases (int) – Number of phases to interpolate at on the interval [0,2] cycles.

  • filename (str) – Filename of cache.

  • cache_dir (str) – Directory to write cache to.

  • read_only (bool) – Do not write to cache file?

  • archive (bool) – If not read-only, then archive an existing cache file found at the same path?

property plots

Get the dictionary of plot objects last processed.

class xpsi.PostProcessing.ResidualPlot(data_cmap='inferno', model_cmap='inferno', residual_cmap='PuOr', parameters_vector=None, plot_pulse=False, legend_pulse_coords=None, n_realisation_per_sample=1, blur_residuals=False, plot_clusters=False, threshlim=2.0, clusters_cmap='PuOr', clustdist_cmap='PuOr', mu=0.0, sigma=1.0, nbins=50, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SignalPlot

Plot the count data, the posterior-expected count signal, residuals, clusters and their related distributions.

The figure contains three upper panels which share phase as an x-axis:

  • the top panel displays the data count numbers in joint channel-phase intervals, identically split over two rotational phase cycles;

  • the center panel displays the posterior-expected count signal over joint channel-phase intervals;

  • the bottom panel displays the standardised residuals between the data and posterior-expected count signal over joint channel-phase intervals.

If requested by plot_clusters, the figure also contains 2 lower panels
  • the first panel displays two figures: the one on the left shows the standardised residuals for which their absolute values overpass a chosen threshold, and the one on the right present the estimated cluster sizes from these residuals.

  • the second panel displays two figures: the one on the left is the residual distribution compared with an optimal gaussian one, and the one on the right shows a distribution of cluster sizes from residuals which have absolute values above the chosen threshold

The following example is (improved) from Riley et al. 2019:

  • data_cmap (str) – Colormap name from matplotlib to use for the data count numbers over joint channel-phase intervals.

  • model_cmap (str) – Colormap name from matplotlib to use for the posterior-expected count numbers over joint channel-phase intervals.

  • residual_cmap (str) – Colormap name from matplotlib to use for the residuals between the data and posterior-expected count numbers over joint channel-phase intervals. A diverging colormap is recommended.


Display the pulse over the data if requested

execute(thetas, wrapper)[source]

Loop over posterior samples.

property expected_counts

Get the estimated posterior expectation of the count numbers.


Execute instructions to finish plotting.

Before this method is called, the likelihood object will be updated so that the true (injected) signals are cached. In the body of the subclass implementation of this method, one can plot the injected signals by accessing the attributes of the signal instance.

property model_list

Get the current list of the count numbers.

property model_sum

Get the current posterior sum of the count numbers.

class xpsi.PostProcessing.PulsePlot(num_phases=1000, incident_cmap='inferno', registered_cmap='inferno', show_components=False, expectation_line_kwargs=None, comp_expectation_line_kwargs=None, sample_line_kwargs=None, use_fgivenx=False, incident_contour_kwargs=None, registered_contour_kwargs=None, plot_truth=False, truth_line_kwargs=None, comp_truth_line_kwargs=None, parameters_vector=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SignalPlot

Plot posterior-averaged channel-summed count-rate pulse profiles.

The figure contains four panels which share phase as an x-axis:

  • the first (topmost) panel displays the posterior expectation of the specific photon flux signal from the source, jointly resolved in energy and phase;

  • the second panel displays the energy-integrated photon specific flux signal as function of phase for a subset of samples, optionally using fgivenx;

  • the third panel displays the posterior expectation of the count-rate signal as a function of channel and phase;

  • the last (bottommost) panel displays the channel-summed pulse as a function of phase for a subset of samples, optionally using fgivenx.

The second and last panels aim to render the conditional posterior distribution of the associated signal as a function phase, ideally with contours to map out the conditional posterior mass. These panels have space to optionally display other elements such as: the posterior-expected total signal; the posterior-expected component signals; and the true total and component signals if the ground truth (the injected signal correpsonding to some model parameter vector) is known.

The following example is from Riley et al. 2019:

  • num_phases (int) – The number of phases to interpolate the pulse-profile signals at.

  • incident_cmap (str) – Colormap name from matplotlib to use for the posterior-expected incident signal as a function of energy and phase (top panel).

  • registered_cmap (str) – Colormap name from matplotlib to use for the posterior-expected registered signal as a function of channel and phase (third panel).

  • show_components (bool) – If the Signal instance has multiple components, display the posterior expectations of those components as a function of phase (second and last panels).

  • expectation_line_kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments for plotting the posterior-expected signal lines (in the second and last panels).

  • use_fgivenx (bool) – Use fgivenx to plot conditional posterior contours in the second and last panels?

  • incident_contour_kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments for fgivenx incident signal contours (second panel) that will take precedence over the corresponding class attributes. (See the SignalPlot class if you choose not to modify these attributes on this present subclass.)

  • registered_contour_kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments for fgivenx registered signal contours (last panel) that will take precedence over the corresponding class attributes. (See the SignalPlot class if you choose not to modify these attributes on this present subclass.)

  • plot_truth – Plot the ground truth (injected) signal, if known and available, in the second and last panels.

  • truth_line_kwargs – Keyword arguments for plotting the ground truth signal lines (second and last panels).

execute(thetas, wrapper)[source]

Loop over posterior samples.

property expected_incident

Get the expectations of the component incident signals.

property expected_registered

Get the expectations of the component registered signals.


Execute final instructions.

class xpsi.PostProcessing.SpectrumPlot(rel_num_energies=10.0, num_phases=1000, registered_cmap='inferno', show_components=False, show_attenuated=True, expectation_line_kwargs=None, comp_expectation_line_kwargs=None, add_background=False, background_line_kwargs=None, sample_line_kwargs=None, use_fgivenx=False, incident_contour_kwargs=None, registered_contour_kwargs=None, plot_truth=False, truth_line_kwargs=None, comp_truth_line_kwargs=None, parameters_vector=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: SignalPlot

Plot posterior-averaged channel count-rate spectra.

The figure contains three panels which share phase as an x-axis:

  • the top panel displays the specific photon flux signal from the source, resolved as a function of energy, optionally showing both unattenuated and attenuated incident spectra and optionally using fgivenx;

  • the center panel displays the posterior expectation of the count-rate signal as a function of channel and phase, optionally including an expected background signal;

  • the bottom panel displays the phase-integrated (averaged) count-rate spectum as a function of channel number, optionally including an expected background signal and optionally using fgivenx.

The top and bottom panels aim to render the conditional posterior distribution of the associated signal as a function an energy (proxy) variable, ideally with contours to map out the conditional posterior mass. These panels have space to optionally display other elements such as: the posterior-expected total signal; the posterior-expected component signals; the true total and component signals if the ground truth (the injected signal correpsonding to some model parameter vector) is known; attenuated incident spectra; and the summation of posterior-expected total (component-summed) source count-rate signals with posterior-expected background count-rate signals.

The following example is (improved) from Riley et al. 2019:

  • rel_num_energies (float) – The number of energies desired for interpolation as a fraction of the number of energies implemented for the original incident signal integration. The energy set will be appropriately spaced and bounded.

  • num_phases (int) – The number of phases to interpolate the pulse-profile signals at for the center panel.

  • registered_cmap (str) – Colormap name from matplotlib to use for the posterior-expected registered signal as a function of channel and phase (center panel).

  • show_components (bool) – If the Signal instance has multiple components (hot region signals), display the posterior expectations of those components as a function of energy (top panel) and channel (bottom panel).

  • show_attenuated (bool) – If the source signal is attenuated by the interstellar absorption processes, display the posterior-expected attenuated incident specific photon flux spectra? This switch also instructs fgivenx, if enabled, to generate conditional posterior contours for the attenuated spectrum instead of the unattenuated spectrum (top panel). If fgivenx is not invoked, this switch instructs the plotting of sample-by-sample attenuated total (component-summed) spectra to delineate the distribution of conditional posterior mass (top panel).

  • expectation_line_kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments for plotting the posterior-expected signal lines (in the top and bottom panels).

  • add_background (bool) – Add an posterior-expected background count-rate signal to the total (component-summed) expected source count-rate signals in the center and bottom panels?

  • background_line_kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments for plotting the posterior-expected spectrum in the bottom panel that includes the background signal.

  • use_fgivenx (bool) – Use fgivenx to plot conditional posterior contours in the top and bottom panels?

  • incident_contour_kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments for fgivenx incident signal contours (top panel) that will take precedence over the corresponding class attributes. (See the SignalPlot class if you choose not to modify these attributes on this present subclass.)

  • registered_contour_kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments for fgivenx registered signal contours (bottom panel) that will take precedence over the corresponding class attributes. (See the SignalPlot class if you choose not to modify these attributes on this present subclass.)

  • plot_truth – Plot the ground truth (injected) signal, if known and available, in the top and bottom panels.

  • truth_line_kwargs – Keyword arguments for plotting the ground truth signal lines (top and bottom panels).

  • comp_truth_line_kwargs – Keyword arguments for plotting the component ground truth signal lines (top and bottom panels).

execute(thetas, wrapper)[source]

Execute behaviours requiring a loop over samples.

  • thetas (ndarray[n,m]) – Equally-weighted set of posterior samples.

  • wrapper (callable) – Wrapper function that interleaves iterative calls next(self) with code to update the Signal instance from a cache stored on disk. The wrapper returns a callback function, If such a cache is unavailable, the likelihood function is evaluated on-the-fly when the callback is called passing a sample (parameter vector). In this case, signals to be plotted are temporarily cached in the Signal instance. The signature of the wrapper function is: wrapper(self, delete_me=None, index=None), where self is this a subclass of SignalPlot, delete_me is an optional attribute name or a list of attribute name in self.__dict__ to be deleted before iterating over samples, and index is an optional integer to index a tuple returned from next(self). The signature of the callback function, if you need to call it directly (instead of an external library such as fgivenx calling it): callback(None, theta), where each sample/parameter vector is a row in thetas.

property expected_attenuated_incident

Get the expectations of the incident (component) spectra.

property expected_background

Get the expectation of the background count-rate spectrum.

property expected_incident

Get the expectations of the incident (component) spectra.

property expected_registered

Get the expectations of the registered count-rate spectra.


Execute final instructions.

Base classes for development


Base class for a signal plot.


Post-process samples for inference and posterior checking.


Container for nested samples generated by a single run, and backends for analysis of the run.

xpsi.PostProcessing._run.Run(filepath, **kwargs)

Base class for a sample container.

xpsi.PostProcessing._metadata.Metadata(ID, names)

Base class to record basic information about sampling runs.

class xpsi.PostProcessing._signalplot.SignalPlot(fig_dir='./', root_filename='', cmap='RdPu_r', **kwargs)[source]

Base class for a signal plot.

Interact with a single Signal instance to plot signals.

  • fig_dir (str) – Directory to write to.

  • root_filename (str) – Prepended to filename automatically generated figure filename.

  • cmap (str) – Colormap name from matplotlib to use for fgivenx contours. It is advisable to choose a colormap that is darker at lower values (in tails of conditional posterior distribution) and lighter at higher values (at higher densities in conditional posterior distribution).

classmethod declare_settings(panelsize=(8, 4), fscale=1.0, rasterized=True, tick_lengths=(8, 4), tick_width=1.0, logspace_y=False, tqdm_kwargs={'disable': False}, scale_ymin=0.9, scale_ymax=1.1, ny=500, lines_on=False, add_label=True, write=True, extension='.pdf', dpi=300, write_kwargs=None, xticks=None, yticks=None)[source]

Configure subclass with attributes, before instantiation.

These attributes can in principle be safely changed during the runtime.

  • panelsize (tuple) – The approximate size, (width, height), in inches per panel.

  • fscale (float) – Scale factor for the fontsize applied to the default.

  • rasterized (bool) – Beware that if False, white polygon edges may appear in figures.

  • tick_lengths (tuple(int, int)) – The major and minor tick lengths for all axis objects.

  • tick_width (int) – The width of every tick.

  • logspace_y (bool) – Should the fgivenx y-values (for which the posterior mass is integrated over points at lower densities than the density at y) be logarithimcally or linearly spaced? Appropriate for logarithmic y-axes of signal panels.

  • tqdm_kwargs (dict) – Progress bar keyword arguments.

  • scale_ymin (float) – The minimum y-value to use, as a fraction of the minimum sample value.

  • scale_ymax (float) – The maximum y-value to use, as a fraction of the minimum sample value.

  • ny (int) – Number of y-values to compute the posterior mass for.

  • lines_on (bool) – Render contour lines?

  • add_label (bool) – Add contour colorbar label.

  • write (bool) – Write figure to disk?

  • extension (str) – File extension for writing.

  • dpi (int) – Figure write resolution.

  • write_kwargs (dict) – Additional writing keyword arguments.

  • xticks (list(list(float))) – Determine the x-tick values that will be labelled in each of the subplots (including color bars). Automatic ticks and labels are used for the specific subplot if providing None instead of a list of floats (e.g., xticks=[[0.1,0.5,1.0],None,None]). If xticks=None (default), automatic ticks and labels are used for all the subplots.

  • yticks (list(list(float))) – Determine the y-tick values that will be labelled in each of the subplots (including color bars). See param xticks for more details.

abstract execute(thetas, wrapper)[source]

Execute behaviours requiring a loop over samples.

  • thetas (ndarray[n,m]) – Equally-weighted set of posterior samples.

  • wrapper (callable) – Wrapper function that interleaves iterative calls next(self) with code to update the Signal instance from a cache stored on disk. The wrapper returns a callback function, If such a cache is unavailable, the likelihood function is evaluated on-the-fly when the callback is called passing a sample (parameter vector). In this case, signals to be plotted are temporarily cached in the Signal instance. The signature of the wrapper function is: wrapper(self, delete_me=None, index=None), where self is this a subclass of SignalPlot, delete_me is an optional attribute name or a list of attribute name in self.__dict__ to be deleted before iterating over samples, and index is an optional integer to index a tuple returned from next(self). The signature of the callback function, if you need to call it directly (instead of an external library such as fgivenx calling it): callback(None, theta), where each sample/parameter vector is a row in thetas.

property fig

Get the figure object.

abstract finalize()[source]

Execute instructions to finish plotting.

Before this method is called, the likelihood object will be updated so that the true (injected) signals are cached. In the body of the subclass implementation of this method, one can plot the injected signals by accessing the attributes of the signal instance.


Write figure to file.

class xpsi.PostProcessing._postprocessor.PostProcessor(posteriors)[source]

Post-process samples for inference and posterior checking.

Base class that functions as a container for nested sampling run objects representing some set of posterior distributions that share some subset of parameters of interest that are to be plotted. The parameters can be shared in the sense that their relationship is the identity relation, or multiple physical objects in a population context each have an instance of a parameter type. An example of the former is the mass of a star, for which there are two or more distinct posterior distributions, due, e.g.:

  • to sequential inference conditional on independent data sets, where each posterior is an updated of the previous in the sequence;

  • inference conditional on independent data sets, where the different analyses invoked same [different] prior models and one simply wants to overlay the posteriors e.g., to gauge the synergy of different experiments [and argue the priors are weakly informative/ diffuse in the context of the likelihood functions];

  • to analysis of a single data set but the effective existence of discrete hyperparameter resulting in posteriors conditional on the discrete label over population-level prior distributions that has not been marginalized over (i.e., the problem of choosing an appropriate the hierarchical prior model);

  • to competing models, where models can differ in the likelihood function, prior density, or both.

An example of the latter is two more (neutron) stars, each with a mass; these masses collectively encode interesting population-level information.

Subclasses will calculate inferences, usually in the form of approximate integrals over the posterior distribution. They will also provide tools for visualisation of posterior information and derived quantities, which is useful for basic posterior predictive checking.


posteriors (iterable) – An iterable of instances of Runs.


Get a list of attributes of the Runs instances stored as the current subset.

property params

Get the current parameter information.

property posteriors

Get the posteriors.


Set current parameters for plotting, which must be shared.

set_subset(IDs=None, combine=False, combine_all=False, force_combine=True, only_combined=False, overwrite=False, split_modes=False)[source]

Set a current list of Runs instances.

Helper function to get and notify which runs will be plotted.

  • IDs (OrderedDict) – A dictionary of lists, where keys match Runs instance IDs, and list elements match Run instance IDs. If no key matches a Runs instance ID, it is assumed that all associated Run instances are to be selected as the current subset for plotting applications.

  • combine (bool) – Additionally combine the runs into a single run for overplotting? The overriding setting if there is more than one underlying posterior to be plotted, is to attempt to combine runs on each posterior if multiple such runs are available, in order to reduce information density. If there is a single underlying posterior, the user-specified value is respected.

  • combine_all (bool) – Combine all runs in each Runs instance or only those for which IDs are provided? Ignored if combine is False.

  • force_combine (bool) – Force recombination of elligible run sets, even if a combined run is already cached?

  • only_combined (bool) – Only plot the combined run? Only heeded if a single posterior is selected for plotting, and in that case is ignored if combine is False.

  • overwrite (bool) – Overwrite combined-sample files on disk with the same filename?

  • split_modes (bool) – Split posteriors by mode? Only useful for cornerplots.

property subset

Get the current subset of posteriors for plotting.

property subset_to_plot

Get the current subset of runs for plotting.

class xpsi.PostProcessing._backends.NestedBackend(root, base_dir, use_nestcheck, transform=None, overwrite_transformed=False, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Run

Container for nested samples generated by a single run, and backends for analysis of the run.

The other keyword arguments are generic properties passed to the parent class, such as the identification (ID) string of the run.

  • root (str) – The root filename of the sample file collection.

  • base_dir (str) – The directly containing the sample file collection.

  • use_nestcheck (bool) – Invoke nestcheck for nested sampling error analysis?

  • transform (callable) – A function to transform the parameter vector to another space.

property getdist_backend

Get the getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples instance.

property margeStats

Return the marginal statistics using getdist.

property nestcheck_backend

Get the nestcheck backend for the nested samples.

class xpsi.PostProcessing._run.Run(filepath, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Metadata

Base class for a sample container.

property contours

Get the dictionary of contour arguments for getdist.


contours (dict) – getdist-compatible dictionary of parameters specifying the properties of the contours representing credible regions of the two-dimensional marginal distributions of parameters.

property lines

Get the dictionary of line arguments for getdist.


lines (dict) – getdist-compatible dictionary of parameters specifying the properties of the smooth lines representing one-dimensional marginal distributions of parameters.

property samples

Get a copy of the samples array.

class xpsi.PostProcessing._metadata.Metadata(ID, names, bounds=None, labels=None, implementation=None, kde_settings=None, truths=None, precisions=None)[source]

Base class to record basic information about sampling runs.

  • ID (str) – For identification of the object.

  • names (list) – An ordered list of str parameter names. The ordering must match the parameter vector ordering defined in sample backend objects.

  • bounds (dict) – A dictionary of one-dimensional hard parameter bounds. See getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples; the keys must match the names list. For the purpose of density estimation plots these bounds can be viewing bounds.

  • labels (list) – An ordered list of (LaTeX compatible) str literal parameter labels.

  • implementation (str) – Sampling software applied to generate the samples. Known options are ['multinest', 'polychord', 'emcee'].

  • kde_settings (dict) – Settings for instantiation of getdist.mcsamples.MCSamples.

  • truths (dict) – Optional dictionary of parameter truths, if known; if unknown leave as None. The keys must be names which match those in names.

property ID

Get the identification str of the sample set.

property bounds

Get the parameter bounds.

property implementation

Sampling software applied to generate the samples of the run.

property kde_settings

Get the input getdist KDE settings dictionary.

property labels

Get the parameter labels.

property names

Get the parameter names.

property parent_ID

The ID of the parent container with which a run is associated.

property precisions

Get the parameter precisions.

property prepend_ID

Prepend the run ID with the parent ID.

property truth_vector

Get the parameter truths as a list.

property truths

Get the parameter truths as a dictionary.