Source code for xpsi.PostProcessing._corner

import numpy as np_
from scipy.special import logsumexp

from ._global_imports import *

from . import _precision
from collections import OrderedDict

from getdist.plots import getSubplotPlotter
from getdist.mcsamples import MCSamples

    from nestcheck.ns_run_utils import get_logw, get_w_rel
    from nestcheck.plots import bs_param_dists
    from nestcheck.error_analysis import run_ci_bootstrap
    from nestcheck.estimators import param_cred, logz
except ImportError:
    _warning('CornerPlotter instances cannot use nestcheck functionality.')
        from ._nestcheck_modifications import getdist_kde
    except ImportError:
            from nestcheck.plots import weighted_1d_gaussian_kde
        except ImportError:
            _warning('CornerPlotter instances cannot use nestcheck '
            _warning('Using native nestcheck KDE instead of GetDist KDE.')

from ._backends import NestedBackend
from ._postprocessor import PostProcessor

[docs]class CornerPlotter(PostProcessor): """ Plot marginal posterior densities and estimators. """
[docs] @fix_random_seed @make_verbose('Executing posterior density estimation', 'Posterior density estimation complete') def plot(self, params, IDs=None, combine=False, combine_all=False, only_combined=False, force_combine=True, overwrite_combined=False, bootstrap_estimators=True, bootstrap_density=False, separate_plots=False, write=False, root_filename='', directory='./', ext='.pdf', dpi=300, maxdots=2000, **kwargs): """ Generate posterior density plots. Invokes :mod:`getdist` and :mod:`nestcheck` for nested sampling runs. Up to five runs can be plotted natively via :mod:`nestcheck`; beyond such a number the plots generally display too much information and clarity is lost. :param list params: List of parameter strings for plotting. Must be shared by all posteriors selected with the ``IDs`` argument. :param OrderedDict IDs: Keys must be string identifiers of :class:`Runs` instances. Each dictionary element must be a list of string identifiers, each matching objects collected in :class:`Runs` instance corresponding to the key. Defaults to ``None``, meaning attempt to use as many runs as possible subject to plotting restrictions. .. note:: The order of IDs is used to control the layering of posteriors. If there are multiple underlying posteriors (i.e., multiple dictionary keys), only one (combined) run per posterior is rendered, and the first posterior is rendered on the topmost layer. If there is only one underlying posterior (i.e., one dictionary keys), then the combined-sample posterior, if available, is plotted on the topmost layer, whilst the runs on that posterior are rendered on layers underneath in the order specified in the list. In either case, estimators are calculated and reported for the (combined) run on the topmost layer. :param bool combine: Additionally combine the runs into a single run for overplotting? The overriding setting if there is more than one underlying posterior to be plotted, is to attempt to combine runs on each posterior if multiple such runs are available, in order to reduce information density. If there is a single underlying posterior, the user-specified value is respected. :param bool combine_all: Combine all runs in each :class:`Runs` instance or only those for which IDs are provided? Ignored if ``combine`` is ``False``. :param bool force_combine: Force recombination of elligible run sets, even if a combined run is already cached? :param bool only_combined: Only plot the combined run? Only heeded if a single posterior is selected for plotting, and in that case is ignored if ``combine`` is ``False``. :param bool overwrite_combined: Overwrite combined-sample files on disk with the same filename? :param bool bootstrap: Use :mod:`nestcheck` and :mod:`fgivenx` to bootstrap the runs for posterior density error estimation? :param bool separate_plots: Generate a lower-triangle plot with :mod:`getdist`, and a separate error plot with :mod:`nestcheck` (with :mod:`fgivenx` and :mod:`getdist`). If ``False`` (default), the diagonal panels of the lower-triangle plot are modified by adding the nestcheck output. Ignored if ``bootstrap`` is ``False``. :param bool write: Export the figure? :param str root_filename: Root filename to prepend to automatically generated name. Can be, e.g., a model and/or data set identifier. :param str directory: If ``None`` defaults to current directory. :param str ext: File extension for writing. E.g., ``'.png'``. :param int dpi: Dots-per-square-inch settings for exporting plots. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for the :meth:`_plot_density_with_error` and :meth:`_plot_triangle` methods. Keyword arguments for line properties (width, color, and alpha) for :mod:`getdist` contours and density distributions. If ``bootstrap and not separate_plots`` then the density distribution linewidth is set to zero if not explicitly specified with kwarg ``lw_1d``. In addition, keyword arguments for avoiding unnecessary re-drawing of prior samples (``force_draw``, ``prior_samples_fnames`` and ``priors_identical``). Param ``precisions`` (a list of integers or Nones) can be used to define the decimal number precision for each credible interval plotted. In case of 2 parameters, one can do e.g. precisions=[2,None] to use 2 digit decimal precision for the first parameter and use the default automatic precision for the second. Param ``ci_gap`` (a float) can be used to adjust the white gaps between the texts printed above the diagonal (the default is 0.12). """ self.set_subset(IDs, combine, combine_all, force_combine, only_combined, overwrite_combined) self.set_params(params) if bootstrap_density and not separate_plots: if 'lw_1d' not in kwargs: kwargs['lw_1d'] = 0.0 self._set_line_and_contour_args(**kwargs) self._plotter = self._plot_triangle(bootstrap_estimators, **kwargs) if bootstrap_density and separate_plots: figs = self._plot_density_with_error(**kwargs) elif bootstrap_density: figs = self._plot_density_with_error(plotter=self._plotter, **kwargs) if write: root_filename = (root_filename + '__' if root_filename else '') + \ 'posteriorDensity__runs_' + \ '_'.join(str(ID).replace(' ', '') for ID in self.get_attr('ID')) + '__' _dpi = dpi if maxdots > 0: ndots = dpi * len(self.params) ndots *= self._plotter.settings.subplot_size_inch if ndots > maxdots: dpi = int(maxdots * _dpi / ndots) rcParams["savefig.dpi"] = dpi self._plotter.export(fname=root_filename+'triangle'+ext, adir=directory) try: figs[1].savefig(_os.path.join(directory, root_filename+'fthetas_1d.pdf'), dpi=_dpi, bbox_inches='tight') except IndexError: if separate_plots: fname = root_filename + 'params_1d.pdf' else: fname = root_filename + 'fthetas_1d.pdf' figs[0].savefig(_os.path.join(directory, fname), dpi=_dpi, bbox_inches='tight') except (TypeError, NameError): pass return self._plotter
@make_verbose('Simulating nested sampling realisations for ' 'posterior density error visualisation', 'Simulated nested sampling realisations and ' 'plotted posterior density error estimates') def _plot_density_with_error(self, plotter = None, fthetas = None, **kwargs): """ :param plotter: A :attr:`getdist.GetDistPlotter` instance if the :mod:`nestcheck` output is to be displayed on a lower-triangle plot. :param list fthetas: Iterable containing functions of parameter vector for which density is to be plotted with :mod:`nestcheck` via :mod:`fgivenx`. The parameters themselves are handled automatically with ``lambda`` functions. Additional functions are always plotted using the native :mod:`nestcheck` matplotlib figure; the parameter densities are be added to a :mod:`getdist` lower-triangle plot is supplied. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for :func:`nestcheck.plots.bs_param_dists`. TODO: ---- * lims based on credible interval estimate for efficiency? """ nestcheck_bcknds, runs = self._filter_nestcheck_compatible() nx = kwargs.pop('nx', 200); ny = kwargs.pop('ny', nx) n_simulate = kwargs.pop('n_simulate', 200) params = self.params.names labels = self.params.labels # declare how to access parameter samples for each run _fthetas = [] for run in runs: func = lambda y: (lambda theta: theta[:,y]) _fthetas.append([func(run.get_index(param)) for param in params]) # declare limits for parameters bounds = [] for run in runs: bounds.append([list(run.bounds[param]) for param in params]) _lims = [list(plotter.subplots[i,i].get_xlim()) for i in range(len(params))] lims = [_lims for run in runs] for _l, _b in zip(lims, bounds): # loop over runs for l, b in zip(_l,_b): # loop over parameters l[0] = (l[0] if l[0] > b[0] else b[0]) l[1] = (l[1] if l[1] < b[1] else b[1]) parallel = kwargs.pop('parallel', True) rasterize_contours = kwargs.pop('rasterize_contours', True) tqdm_kwargs = kwargs.pop('tqdm_kwargs', None) figsize = kwargs.pop('figsize', _np.array([6.0 * len(params), 3.0 * len(params)])) figs = [] with verbose(plotter is not None, 'Adding density error information to triangle plot', 'Added density error information'): fig = bs_param_dists(nestcheck_bcknds, fthetas=_fthetas[0], ftheta_lims=lims[0], nx=nx, ny=ny, n_simulate=n_simulate, figsize=figsize, parallel=parallel, rasterize_contours=rasterize_contours, labels=labels, tqdm_kwargs=tqdm_kwargs) if fig: figs.append(fig) if fthetas: if not isinstance(fthetas[0], list): num_funcs = len(fthetas[0]) else: num_funcs = len(fthetas) figsize *= float(num_funcs)/len(params) if 'ftheta_labels' in kwargs: kwargs = {'labels': kwargs['ftheta_labels']} else: kwargs = {} fig = bs_param_dists(nestcheck_bcknds, fthetas=fthetas, ftheta_lims=ftheta_lims, nx=nx, ny=ny, n_simulate=n_simulate, figsize=figsize, parallel=parallel, rasterize_contours=rasterize_contours, **kwargs) figs.append(fig) return figs if figs else None @make_verbose('Constructing lower-triangle posterior density ' 'plot via Gaussian KDE:', 'Constructed lower-triangle posterior density plot') def _plot_triangle(self, bootstrap, prior_density = True, KL_divergence = True, KL_base = 'bits', ndraws = int(1e6), param_plot_lims = None, crosshairs = False, filled = False, legend_loc = 'lower left', legend_corner_coords = (0.75,0.75), legend_frameon = False, scale_attrs = None, normalize = True, veneer = False, no_zero = True, no_ylabel = False, label_right = True, no_ytick = False, credible_interval_1d = True, credible_interval_1d_all_show = False, show_vband=[0], annotate_credible_interval = True, annotate_xy=(0.025,0.915), sixtyeight = True, ninety = False, compute_all_intervals=True, **kwargs): """ Call :meth:`getdist.plots.GetDistPlotter.triangle_plot`. :param bool prior_density: If ``True`` tries to draw samples from the joint prior and plot marginal 1D prior densit functions. Silently fails if attempt fails due to missing likelihood and prior callables. :param bool KL_divergence: If `True` and `prior_density` is `True`, estimate and annotate credible interval for Kullback-Leibler divergence for each parameter in triangle plot. :param str KL_base: Base for Kullback-Leibler divergence. Options are {'bits', 'nats'}. :param int ndraws: Number of samples drawn from the joint prior. Ignored if ``prior_density is False`` attempt to plot density fails. :param dict param_plot_lims: Dictionary of viewing ranges for plotting. Keys must be parameter names. :param bool crosshairs: Display parameter truth crosshairs? :param bool filled: Specify whether the contours are to be filled. :param str legend_loc: Specify the legend location. Defaults to ``upper right`` because the plot is a lower-triangle array. :param tuple legend_corner_coords: Modifies meaning of ``legend_loc`` to be the coordinates of the point on the legend box specified by ``legend_loc``. Pass ``None`` if not applicable. Defaults to place legend in empty upper region of lower-triangle plot. :param dict scale_attrs: Scale :class:`getdist.plots.GetDistPlotterSettings` attributes from the automatic values. E.g., ``{'legend_fontsize': 2.0}``. Use string values to set the key attribute to the value attribute. Caution: do not rely on ordering of pairs in a dictionary, but use an :class:`collections.OrderedDict` instead to heed order. :param bool normalize: Normalize density distribution in on-diagonal 1D panels? :param bool no_zero: Hide axes zeros within on-diagonal 1D panels? :param bool no_ylabel: Hide *probability density* label on diagonal 1D marginal panels? :param bool label_right: Display *probability density* label on diagonal 1D marginal plots? :param bool no_ytick: Hide y-axis ticks on diagonal 1D marginal plots? :param bool credible_interval_1d: Estimate and plot 1D marginal credible intervals? The upper and lower quantiles of the interval are estimated via bootstrapping with :mod:`nestcheck`, each bounding quantile plotted as a (narrow) band bounded by the same quantiles with respect to the bootstrap realisations. The interval between the two bands is generally much wider and is shaded lighter. :param bool credible_interval_1d_all_show: Show the 1D marginal credible intervals for all plotted posteriors. Note that this option forces KL_divergence value to be False, and intervals are only shown if also annotate_credible_interval=True. :param list show_vband: Select the indices (as a list of integers) of the runs/models whose of 1D marginal credible intervals will be shown as colored vertical bands. The default is [0], i.e., the vertical band is only shown for the posterior with the first model/run ID. :param bool annotate_credible_interval: Annotate each on-diagonal panel with numeric credible interval as median +/- distance to symmetric quantiles. Each quantile, including the median, is estimated via bootstrapping with :mod:`nestcheck`, and the median of each quantile from the bootstrap realisations is used for the reported numeric credible interval. The intervals will also be saved in a 'self.credible_intervals' dictionary. :param tuple annotate_xy: Coordinates as axis fractions for annotation of credible intervals. :param bool sixtyeight: Should the credible interval, which is symmetric in quantiles about the mean, be approximately the 1-\sigma credible interval thus containing ~68% of the posterior mass? If ``False`` the interval computed is the approximate 2-\sigma interval containing ~95% of the posterior mass. :param kwargs: * additional keyword arguments passed to :meth:`getdist.GetDistPlotter.triangle_plot` * settings for :mod:`getdist` posterior lower-triangle plotting, applied to a :class:`getdist.plots.GetDistPlotSettings` instance * setting for not drawing prior samples but reading them from a file instead or saving them in a file if no such already exists ``force_draw = [False,]`` * setting for choosing a non-default file name to be used if samples are not re-drawn: ``prior_samples_fnames=["name.npy",]`` * setting for plotting the priors only for one of the runs if they are known to be identical: ``priors_identical=True`` * setting to modify the white space gaps (in float) between the printed texts above the diagonal: ``ci_gap`` .. note:: Using ``subplot_size`` keyword argument (specify in inches) invokes automated label fontsizes and tick sizes. If ``width_inch`` is used instead, this automation does not occur. """ #self.val_cred = [] self.credible_interval_1d_all_show=credible_interval_1d_all_show self.show_vband=show_vband tight_gap_fraction = 0.13 # space between ticks and the edge if credible_interval_1d_all_show: KL_divergence=False try: for run in self.subset_to_plot: if not isinstance(run, NestedBackend): raise TypeError('Nested sampling backends are required.') except AttributeError: print('Nested sampling runs are required.') raise else: getdist_bcknds = self.get_attr('getdist_backend') getdist_bcknds.reverse() line_args = self.get_attr('lines') line_args.reverse() contour_args = self.get_attr('contours') contour_args.reverse() if len(getdist_bcknds) == 1: legend_labels = None elif len(self._subset) > 1: legend_labels = self.get_attr('parent_ID') else: legend_labels = self.get_attr('ID') if legend_labels is not None: legend_labels.reverse() if param_plot_lims is None: param_plot_lims = {} if param_plot_lims: prune = kwargs.get('tick_prune', None) # try to set matching :class:`getdist.plots.GetDistPlotSettings` attrs plotter = getSubplotPlotter(kwargs.pop('subplot_size', 2), kwargs.pop('width_inch', None)) setattr(plotter.settings, 'progress', True) setattr(plotter.settings, 'norm_prob_label', 'Probability density') setattr(plotter.settings, 'prob_y_ticks', True) setattr(plotter.settings, 'prob_y_ticks', True) #setattr(plotter.settings, "figure_legend_ncol", 1) for key in kwargs.copy(): if hasattr(plotter.settings, key): setattr(plotter.settings, key, kwargs[key]) del kwargs[key] if scale_attrs is None: scale_attrs = {} for key, value in scale_attrs.items(): if hasattr(plotter.settings, key): if isinstance(value, float) or isinstance(value, int): setattr(plotter.settings, key, getattr(plotter.settings, key) * value) elif isinstance(value, _six.string_types): if hasattr(plotter.settings, value): setattr(plotter.settings, key, getattr(plotter.settings, value)) if isinstance(normalize, bool): diag1d_kwargs = {'normalized': normalize} if isinstance(no_zero, bool): no_zero1 = no_zero else: no_zero1 = True if isinstance(no_ylabel, bool): no_ylabel1 = no_ylabel else: no_ylabel1 = False if isinstance(label_right, bool): label_right1 = label_right else: label_right1 = True if isinstance(no_ytick, bool): no_ytick1 = no_ytick else: no_ytick1 = False plotter.triangle_plot(getdist_bcknds, legend_labels = legend_labels, params = self.params.names, filled = filled, legend_loc = legend_loc, line_args = line_args, contour_args = contour_args, no_zero = no_zero1, no_ylabel = no_ylabel1, label_right = label_right1, no_ytick = no_ytick1, diag1d_kwargs = diag1d_kwargs, **kwargs) try: if legend_corner_coords: plotter.legend.set_bbox_to_anchor(legend_corner_coords) except AttributeError: pass else: plotter.legend.set_frame_on(legend_frameon) params = self.params for j in range(len(params.names)): for i in range(j,len(params.names)): ax = plotter.subplots[i,j] ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) for i in range(j): ax = plotter.subplots[j,i] ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) # add custom parameter plotting limits and updated autolocation with fragile(verbose(param_plot_lims, 'Applying bespoke parameter viewing intervals', 'Viewing intervals applied')) as condition: if not condition: fragile.Break params = self.params for param, l in param_plot_lims.items(): j = params.names.index(param) for i in range(j,len(params.names)): ax = plotter.subplots[i,j] ax.set_xlim(l) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(_get_default_locator(prune)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) for i in range(j): ax = plotter.subplots[j,i] ax.set_ylim(l) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(_get_default_locator(prune)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(AutoMinorLocator()) plotter.fig.canvas.draw() # ensure the new locators take effect for param in param_plot_lims.keys(): j = params.names.index(param) # deal with x-axes axis = plotter.subplots[-1,j].xaxis xmin, xmax = axis.get_view_interval() width = xmax - xmin gap_wanted = width * tight_gap_fraction tick = [x for x in axis.get_major_ticks() if xmin <= x.get_loc() <= xmax] if tick[0].get_loc() - xmin < gap_wanted: tick[0].label1.set_visible(False) if xmax - tick[-1].get_loc() < gap_wanted: tick[-1].label1.set_visible(False) # deal with y-axes if j > 0: axis = plotter.subplots[j,0].yaxis xmin, xmax = axis.get_view_interval() width = xmax - xmin gap_wanted = width * tight_gap_fraction tick = [x for x in axis.get_major_ticks() if xmin <= x.get_loc() <= xmax] if tick[0].get_loc() - xmin < gap_wanted: tick[0].label1.set_visible(False) if xmax - tick[-1].get_loc() < gap_wanted: tick[-1].label1.set_visible(False) if prior_density: # only report KL divergence for topmost posterior, # but plot the priors if available for the other posteriors # if priors known to be identical, plot them only once. if "priors_identical" in kwargs: priors_identical = kwargs.get("priors_identical") else: priors_identical = False if "force_draw" in kwargs: force_draw = kwargs.get("force_draw") else: force_draw = [True for i in range(len(self.subset))] for i, posterior in enumerate(self.subset): force_draw_i = force_draw[i] if "prior_samples_fnames" in kwargs: prior_samples_fname = kwargs.get("prior_samples_fnames")[i] else: prior_samples_fname = "prior_samples_"+posterior.ID+".npy" self._add_prior_density(plotter, posterior, ndraws, normalize, KL_divergence = KL_divergence if i == 0 else False, KL_base = KL_base, bootstrap = bootstrap, n_simulate = kwargs.get('n_simulate'), force_draw = force_draw_i, prior_samples_fname=prior_samples_fname) if (i==0 and priors_identical): break if veneer: self._veneer_spines_ticks(plotter, **kwargs) if crosshairs: # only for topmost posterior self._add_crosshairs(plotter, self.params.names, self.subset_to_plot[0].truths) self.credible_intervals=OrderedDict() if "precisions" in kwargs: precisions = kwargs.get('precisions') if (not isinstance(precisions, list)) or (not all((isinstance(element, int) or element==None) for element in precisions)): print("Warning: Precisions need to be given as a list of integers or Nones. " + "Using the automatic default precisions instead.") precisions = [None]*plotter.subplots.shape[0] elif len(precisions) != plotter.subplots.shape[0]: print("Warning: Precisions list has wrong number of dimensions. " + "Using the automatic default precisions instead.") precisions = [None]*plotter.subplots.shape[0] else: precisions = [None]*plotter.subplots.shape[0] if "ci_gap" in kwargs: self.ci_gap = kwargs.get("ci_gap") else: self.ci_gap = 0.12 self.tot0=0. for sub_set in range(len(self.subset)): for r in range(len(self.subset[sub_set].subset_to_plot)): self.tot0 +=1 self.tot1=0. for sub_set in range(len(self.subset)): for r in range(len(self.subset[sub_set].subset_to_plot)): # assuming different runs for each model are combined when showing multiple models if (sub_set == 0): id=self.get_attr("parent_ID")[r]+"_"+self.get_attr("ID")[r] else: id=self.get_attr("parent_ID")[sub_set]+"_"+self.get_attr("ID")[sub_set] self.r=r self.sub_set=sub_set self.val_cred = [] = self.subset[sub_set].subset_to_plot[r] self.tot1 +=1 self._add_credible_interval(plotter, self.subset[sub_set], bootstrap=bootstrap, n_simulate=kwargs.get('n_simulate'), annotate=annotate_credible_interval, annotate_xy=annotate_xy, sixtyeight=sixtyeight, ninety=ninety, compute_all_intervals=compute_all_intervals, precisions=precisions) self.credible_intervals[id]=self.val_cred self._plotter = plotter return plotter @make_verbose('Adding 1D marginal prior density functions', 'Added 1D marginal prior density functions') def _add_prior_density(self, plotter, posterior, ndraws, normalize, KL_divergence, KL_base, bootstrap, n_simulate, force_draw, prior_samples_fname): """ Crudely estimate the prior density. Kullback-Leibler divergence estimated in bits for a combined run or the same run for which the credible intervals are calculated. """ run = posterior.subset_to_plot[0] #self.samples[posterior.ID]=samples yield 'Plotting prior for posterior %s...' % posterior.ID l = posterior.likelihood if l is None: return # quietly do nothing elif not hasattr(l, 'prior'): return elif not hasattr(l.prior, 'draw'): return elif not callable(l.prior.draw): return if force_draw: samples, _ = l.prior.draw(ndraws, transform=True) else: samples_npy = prior_samples_fname try: samples = _np.load(samples_npy) print("Not drawing samples from the joint prior. Reading them instead from a pre-computed table:",prior_samples_fname) except: samples, _ = l.prior.draw(ndraws, transform=True),samples) color, lw = (run.contours[key] for key in ('color', 'lw')) quantiles = [None] * 3 with verbose(KL_divergence, 'Estimating 1D marginal KL-divergences in %s' % KL_base, 'Estimated 1D marginal KL-divergences') as condition: for i, ax in enumerate([plotter.subplots[i,i] \ for i in range(plotter.subplots.shape[0])]): name = self.params.names[i] bounds = {name: posterior.bounds[name]} settings = {'fine_bins': 1024, 'smooth_scale_1D': 0.3, 'boundary_correction_order': 1, 'mult_bias_correction_order': 1} # adopt from posterior settings or take custom input? idx = l.index(name) if idx is None: idx = l.prior.index(name) bcknd = MCSamples(sampler='uncorrelated', samples=samples[:,idx], weights=None, names=[name], ranges=bounds, settings=settings) if normalize: bcknd.get1DDensity(name).normalize(by='integral', in_place=True) x = _np.linspace(ax.xaxis.get_view_interval()[0], ax.xaxis.get_view_interval()[1], 1000) ax.plot(x, bcknd.get1DDensity(name).Prob(x), ls='-.', color=color, lw=lw) if not condition: continue # go to next iteration if no KL # a prototype Kullback-Leibler divergence callback # information in bits def KL(ns_run, logw): x = ns_run['theta'][:,posterior.get_index(name)] w_rel = _np.exp(logw - logw.max()) where = w_rel > run.kde_settings.get('min_weight_ratio', 1.0e-30) prior = bcknd.get1DDensity(name).Prob(x[where]) try: p = getdist_kde(x[where], x, w_rel, ranges=[posterior.bounds[name]], idx=0, normalize=normalize, settings=run.kde_settings) except: p = weighted_1d_gaussian_kde(x[where], x, w_rel) # Due to spline interpolation, very small densities can be # negative, so manually give a small positive value which # does not affect KL integral approximation p[p<=0.0] = p[p>0.0].min() # Prevent also negative or zero values for the prior prior[prior<=0.0] = prior[prior>0.0].min() KL = _np.sum(w_rel[where] \ * (_np.log(p) - _np.log(prior))) \ /_np.sum(w_rel[where]) if KL_base == 'bits': return KL / _np.log(2.0) elif KL_base == 'nats': return KL else: raise ValueError('Invalid base for KL-divergence.') if bootstrap: for j, cred_int in enumerate([0.025, 0.5, 0.975]): quantiles[j] = run_ci_bootstrap(run.nestcheck_backend, estimator_list=[KL], cred_int=cred_int, n_simulate=n_simulate, flip_skew=True) # KL in bits interval = r'$D_{\mathrm{KL}}=%.2f_{-%.2f}^{+%.2f}$' \ % (quantiles[1], quantiles[1] - quantiles[0], quantiles[2] - quantiles[1]) yield ('%s KL-divergence = %.4f/-%.4f/+%.4f' % (name, quantiles[1], quantiles[1] - quantiles[0], quantiles[2] - quantiles[1])) if not rcParams['text.usetex']: fontsize = plotter.settings.axes_labelsize - 1 else: fontsize = plotter.settings.axes_labelsize ax.set_title(interval, color=color, fontsize=fontsize) else: where = run.samples[:,0] > 0.0 ns_run = {'theta': run.samples[where,2:]} divergence = KL(ns_run, _np.log(run.samples[where,0])) yield ('%s KL-divergence = %.4f' % (name, divergence)) divergence = (r'$D_{\mathrm{KL}}=%.2f$' % divergence) if not rcParams['text.usetex']: fontsize = plotter.settings.axes_labelsize - 1 else: fontsize = plotter.settings.axes_labelsize ax.set_title(divergence, color=color, fontsize=fontsize) yield None @make_verbose('Adding 1D marginal credible intervals', 'Added 1D marginal credible intervals') def _add_credible_interval(self, plotter, posterior, bootstrap, n_simulate, annotate, annotate_xy, sixtyeight, ninety, compute_all_intervals, precisions=None): """ Estimate 1-:math:`\sigma` credible interval in one-dimension on a combined run, or if such a run does not exist, on the run with the specified ID. Calls :func:`nestcheck.estimators.param_cred` for one-tailed weighted estimate; two such estimates give a credible interval which is symmetric in quantiles with respect to the median. Also calls :func:`nestcheck.error_analysis.run_ci_bootstrap` for credible interval on quantiles. :param bool sixtyeight: Plot the 68% credible interval about the median in 1D plots? If ``False`` plots 95% credible interval about the median -- i.e., symmetric quantiles about the median. """ if precisions is None: precisions = [None]*plotter.subplots.shape[0] diag = [plotter.subplots[i,i] for i in range(plotter.subplots.shape[0])] run = #posterior.subset_to_plot[0] yield 'Plotting credible regions for posterior %s...' % posterior.ID color = run.contours['color'] # estimator requires closure to be changable def get_estimator(quantile, param_ind): def estimator(*args, **kwargs): return param_cred(*args, probability=quantile, param_ind=param_ind, **kwargs) return estimator quantiles = [0.159, 0.5, 0.841] if sixtyeight else ([0.05,0.5,0.95] if ninety else [0.025, 0.5, 0.975]) def format_CI(name, cred, summary, additional=2, sscript=False, precision=None): if len(cred.shape) > 1: _qs = (cred[1,1], cred[1,1] - cred[0,1], cred[2,1] - cred[1,1]) else: _qs = (cred[1], cred[1] - cred[0], cred[2] - cred[1]) _p = max(_precision(_qs[0]), _precision(_qs[1]), _precision(_qs[2])) if precision is None: _f = '%.' + str(_p + additional) + 'f' else: _f = '%.' + str(precision) + 'f' if name: name += ' ' stats = ('%s' % name) + (' CI$_{%i\%%} = ' % summary) if sscript: stats += (('%s_{-%s}^{+%s}$' % (_f, _f, _f)) % (_qs[0], _qs[1], _qs[2])) else: stats += (('%s/-%s/+%s$' % (_f, _f, _f)) % (_qs[0], _qs[1], _qs[2])) self.val_cred.append([float(_f % _qs[0]),-float(_f % _qs[1]),+float(_f % _qs[2])]) return stats if bootstrap: for i, ax in enumerate(diag): ind = posterior.get_index(self.params.names[i]) param_name = self.params.labels[i] def calculate_intervals(quantiles): cred = _np.zeros((len(quantiles), len(quantiles)), dtype=_np.double) for j, p in enumerate(quantiles): for k, q in enumerate(quantiles): cred[j,k] = run_ci_bootstrap(run.nestcheck_backend, estimator_list=[get_estimator(p, ind)], cred_int=q, n_simulate=n_simulate, flip_skew=True)[0] return cred cred = calculate_intervals(quantiles) zorder = max([_.zorder for _ in ax.get_children()]) + 1 if self.show_vband==None: pass elif self.tot1-1 in self.show_vband: ax.axvspan(cred[0,0], cred[0,2], alpha=0.5, facecolor=color, edgecolor=color, linewidth=0, rasterized=True, zorder=zorder) ax.axvspan(cred[2,0], cred[2,2], alpha=0.5, facecolor=color, edgecolor=color, linewidth=0, rasterized=True, zorder=zorder) ax.axvspan(cred[0,2], cred[2,0], alpha=0.25, facecolor=color, edgecolor=color, linewidth=0, rasterized=True, zorder=zorder) if annotate: stats = format_CI('', # parameter name not needed on plot cred, 68 if sixtyeight else (90 if ninety else 95), additional=1, sscript=True, precision=precisions[i]) title = ax.get_title() if title: title = + '\n' + else: title = stats if not rcParams['text.usetex']: fontsize = plotter.settings.axes_labelsize - 1 else: fontsize = plotter.settings.axes_labelsize if self.credible_interval_1d_all_show: x_pos = 0.5 y_pos = 1.05 + self.ci_gap * (self.r+self.sub_set) ax.text(x_pos, y_pos, title, color=color, horizontalalignment="center", alpha=1., fontsize=fontsize, transform=ax.transAxes) if self.tot0 == self.tot1: y_pos = 1.05 + self.ci_gap * (1+self.r+self.sub_set) title_param_name = r'${}$'.format(param_name) ax.text(x_pos, y_pos, title_param_name, color='black', horizontalalignment="center", alpha=1., fontsize=fontsize, transform=ax.transAxes) elif self.tot1==1: ax.set_title(title, color=color, fontsize=fontsize) title_param_name = r'${}$'.format(param_name) x_pos = 0.5 y_pos = 1.05 + (self.ci_gap-0.02) * (len(title.split('\n'))) ax.text(x_pos, y_pos, title_param_name, color='black', horizontalalignment="center", alpha=1., fontsize=fontsize, transform=ax.transAxes) if compute_all_intervals: yield format_CI(self.params.names[i], cred, 68 if sixtyeight else (90 if ninety else 95)) if sixtyeight: yield format_CI(self.params.names[i], calculate_intervals([0.05, 0.5, 0.95]), 90) yield format_CI(self.params.names[i], calculate_intervals([0.025, 0.5, 0.975]), 95) elif ninety: yield format_CI(self.params.names[i], calculate_intervals([0.159, 0.5, 0.841]), 68) yield format_CI(self.params.names[i], calculate_intervals([0.025, 0.5, 0.975]), 95) else: yield format_CI(self.params.names[i], calculate_intervals([0.159, 0.5, 0.841]), 68) yield format_CI(self.params.names[i], calculate_intervals([0.05, 0.5, 0.95]), 90) else: for i, ax in enumerate(diag): ind = posterior.get_index(self.params.names[i]) param_name = self.params.labels[i] def calculate_intervals(quantiles): cred = _np.zeros(len(quantiles), dtype=_np.double) for j, p in enumerate(quantiles): where = run.samples[:,0] > 0.0 _t1 = run.samples[where,2:] _t2 = _np.log(run.samples[where,0]) cred[j] = get_estimator(p, ind)({'theta': _t1}, _t2) return cred cred = calculate_intervals(quantiles) zorder = max([_.zorder for _ in ax.get_children()]) + 1 if self.show_vband==None: pass elif self.tot1-1 in self.show_vband: ax.axvspan(cred[0], cred[2], alpha=0.25, facecolor=color, edgecolor=color, linewidth=0, rasterized=True, zorder=zorder) if annotate: stats = format_CI('', # parameter name not needed on plot cred, 68 if sixtyeight else (90 if ninety else 95), additional=1, sscript=True, precision=precisions[i]) title = ax.get_title() if title: title = + '\n' + else: title = stats if not rcParams['text.usetex']: fontsize = plotter.settings.axes_labelsize - 1 else: fontsize = plotter.settings.axes_labelsize if self.credible_interval_1d_all_show: x_pos = 0.5 y_pos = 1.05 + self.ci_gap * (self.r+self.sub_set) ax.text(x_pos, y_pos, title, color=color, horizontalalignment="center", alpha=1., fontsize=fontsize, transform=ax.transAxes) if self.tot0 == self.tot1: y_pos = 1.05 + self.ci_gap * (1+self.r+self.sub_set) title_param_name = r'${}$'.format(param_name) ax.text(x_pos, y_pos, title_param_name, color='black', horizontalalignment="center", alpha=1., fontsize=fontsize, transform=ax.transAxes) elif self.tot1==1: ax.set_title(title, color=color, fontsize=fontsize) title_param_name = r'${}$'.format(param_name) x_pos = 0.5 y_pos = 1.05 + (self.ci_gap-0.02) * (len(title.split('\n'))) ax.text(x_pos, y_pos, title_param_name, color='black', horizontalalignment="center", alpha=1., fontsize=fontsize, transform=ax.transAxes) if compute_all_intervals: yield format_CI(self.params.names[i], cred, 68 if sixtyeight else (90 if ninety else 95)) if sixtyeight: yield format_CI(self.params.names[i], calculate_intervals([0.05, 0.5, 0.95]), 90) yield format_CI(self.params.names[i], calculate_intervals([0.025, 0.5, 0.975]), 95) elif ninety: yield format_CI(self.params.names[i], calculate_intervals([0.159, 0.5, 0.841]), 68) yield format_CI(self.params.names[i], calculate_intervals([0.025, 0.5, 0.975]), 95) else: yield format_CI(self.params.names[i], calculate_intervals([0.159, 0.5, 0.841]), 68) yield format_CI(self.params.names[i], calculate_intervals([0.05, 0.5, 0.95]), 90) if annotate: self.val_cred=np_.stack(self.val_cred,axis=0) yield None @staticmethod @make_verbose('Adding parameter truth crosshairs', 'Added crosshairs') def _add_crosshairs(plotter, names, truths): """ Add parameter crosshairs to triangle plot. """ spine = next(iter(plotter.subplots[0,0].spines.values())) lw = spine.get_linewidth() for i, name in enumerate(names): true_val = truths[name] if true_val is not None: for ax in plotter.subplots[:,i]: if ax is not None: ax.axvline(true_val, color='black', ls='-', lw=lw) if i > 0: for ax in plotter.subplots[i,:i]: if ax is not None: ax.axhline(true_val, color='black', ls='-', lw=lw) @staticmethod @make_verbose('Veneering spines and axis ticks', 'Veneered') def _veneer_spines_ticks(plotter, lengthen=2.0, embolden=2.0, **kwargs): """ Embolden spines, and embolden and lengthen ticks. """ ax = plotter.subplots[0,0] major_length = ax.xaxis.majorTicks[0].tick1line.get_markersize() major_length *= lengthen minor_length = ax.xaxis.minorTicks[0].tick1line.get_markersize() minor_length *= lengthen lw = ax.xaxis.majorTicks[0].tick1line.get_markeredgewidth() lw *= embolden for i in range(plotter.subplots.shape[0]): for j in range(i+1): ax = plotter.subplots[i,j] ax.tick_params(which='major', colors='black', length=major_length) ax.tick_params(which='minor', colors='black', length=minor_length) ax.xaxis.set_tick_params(which='both', width=lw) ax.yaxis.set_tick_params(which='both', width=lw) for spine in ax.spines.values(): spine.set_linewidth(lw) def _set_line_and_contour_args(self, lw=1.0, alpha=1.0, **kwargs): """ Match the :mod:`nestcheck` color scheme or let the user decide colors using kwargs. Always assigns reds (or the first user-defined color) to a combined run if it is found to exist. """ # Color blind friendly nestcheck_colors = ['darkred',"darkblue", "darkorange", "darkgreen",'deeppink', 'maroon', 'indigo','dimgrey', 'olive'] if 'line_colors' in kwargs: nestcheck_colors = kwargs.get("line_colors") for run, color in zip(self.subset_to_plot, nestcheck_colors[:len(self.subset_to_plot)]): run.lines = {'lw': kwargs.get('lw_1d', lw), 'color': color, 'alpha': alpha} run.contours = {'lw': lw, 'color': color, 'alpha': alpha}
[docs] def KL_divergence(self, base='bits', bootstrap=False, quantiles=[0.025, 0.5, 0.975], n_simulate=200, **kwargs): """ Kullback-Leibler divergence integral jointly for all parameters. E.g., if you want the interval about the median containing divergence of 90% of realisations, declare ``quantiles=[0.05,0.5,0.95]``. """ if kwargs: self.set_subset(**kwargs) nestcheck_bcknds, runs = self._filter_nestcheck_compatible() def estimator(ns_run, logw): w_rel = _np.exp(logw - logw.max()) KL = _np.sum(w_rel * ns_run['logl']) / _np.sum(w_rel) KL -= logsumexp(logw) if base == 'bits': return KL / _np.log(2.0) elif base == 'nats': return KL else: raise ValueError('Invalid base for KL-divergence.') if bootstrap: _quantiles = {} for bcknd, run in zip(nestcheck_bcknds, runs): _quantiles[run.prepend_ID] = [run_ci_bootstrap(bcknd, estimator_list=[estimator], cred_int=q, n_simulate=n_simulate, flip_skew=True)[0] for q in quantiles] return _quantiles else: divergence = {} for bcknd in nestcheck_bcknds: divergence[run.prepend_ID] = estimator(bcknd, get_logw(bcknd)) return divergence
[docs] def evidence_error(self, quantiles=[0.025,0.5,0.975], n_simulate=200, flip_skew=True, **kwargs): """ Estimate evidence error for nestcheck-compatible runs. E.g., if you want the interval about the median containing the evidence of 90% of realisations, declare ``quantiles=[0.05,0.5,0.95]``. """ if kwargs: self.set_subset(**kwargs) nestcheck_bcknds, runs = self._filter_nestcheck_compatible() _quantiles = {} for bcknd, run in zip(nestcheck_bcknds, runs): _quantiles[run.prepend_ID] = [run_ci_bootstrap(bcknd, estimator_list=[logz], cred_int=q, n_simulate=n_simulate, flip_skew=flip_skew)[0] for q in quantiles] return _quantiles