Source code for xpsi.Sample

__all__ = ["nested", "ensemble"]

from xpsi.global_imports import *
from xpsi import _comm, _rank, _size
from xpsi.utils import make_verbose
from xpsi import Likelihood

posterior = None

# Function defined on the module-level for function and module name pickling
# during point-to-point MPI comminications. The global variable is set in
# emcee() function before creation of an MPIPool.
def func(p):
    global posterior
    return posterior(p)

[docs]def ensemble(likelihood, prior, MPI = True, **kwargs): """ Initialise `emcee <>`_ and sample. :param likelihood: An instance of :class:`~.Likelihood.Likelihood`. :param prior: An instance of :class:`~.Prior.Prior`. :param bool MPI: Parallelise with MPI? If calling script not lauched with an MPI directive, sampling will not commence because there is only one process. Default is ``True`` since only in testing is it justifiable to use a single process. :param kwargs: Passed to initialisers of appropriate classes: * boolean to resume, under keyword :obj:`resume`; * number of steps, under keyword :obj:`nsteps`; * number of walkers, under keyword :obj:`nwalkers`; * moments of initial walker multivariate Gaussian distribution, under keyword :obj:`walker_dist_moments` (can be ``None``); * root directory for output, under keyword :obj:`root_dir`. The above objects are used to instantiate :class:`~.Posterior.Posterior`. :return: An instance of :class:`emcee.backends.HDFBackend`. """ # use the globally scoped variable global posterior from xpsi.Posterior import Posterior # Callable instance of the posterior posterior = Posterior(likelihood, prior, **kwargs) if MPI or _size > 1: try: from schwimmbad import MPIPool except ImportError: raise ImportError('Check your schwimmbad package installation.') # Initialize the MPI-based pool used for parallelisation. with MPIPool() as pool: if not pool.is_master(): # Wait for instructions from the master process. pool.wait() _sys.exit(0) from xpsi.EnsembleSampler import EnsembleSampler # Initialise emcee sampler sampler = EnsembleSampler(ndims = len(likelihood), posterior = func, pool = pool, _posterior = posterior, **kwargs) # Commence emcee sampling process sampler() else: from xpsi.EnsembleSampler import EnsembleSampler # Initialise emcee sampler sampler = EnsembleSampler(ndims = len(likelihood), posterior = posterior, pool = None, **kwargs) # Commence emcee sampling process sampler() return sampler.backend
[docs]def nested(likelihood, prior, check_kwargs={}, **kwargs): """ Initialise MultiNest and integrate. :param dict likelihood: Keyword arguments required for instantiation of :class:`~.Likelihood.Likelihood`. :param dict prior: Keyword arguments required for instantiation of :class:`~.Prior.Prior`. :param dict check_kwargs: Keywords for likelihood function checker. Passed to checker before commencement of sampling. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments for PyMultiNest. """ from xpsi.NestedSampler import NestedSampler if check_kwargs: likelihood.check(**check_kwargs) sampler = NestedSampler(len(likelihood), likelihood, prior) sampler(**kwargs)
@make_verbose('Importance sampling commencing', 'Importance sampling completed') def importance(target, importance, sample_root, names, weight_threshold=1.0e-3, likelihood_change=False, prior_change=False, overwrite=True): """ Importance sample from target using approximative distribution. :param obj target: A :class:`~.Likelihood` object for the target posterior distribution. :param obj importance: A :class:`~.Likelihood` object for the importance posterior distribution. This distribution should be some sufficient approxmation to the target distribution for validity. :param str sample_root: Path to sample files, with the file root but without the file extension. :param list names: The parameter names for the samples on disk. These names must match the parameter names in the :class:`~.Likelihood` objects. :param float weight_threshold: Only use samples with weight greater than this fraction of the maximum weight amongst samples. :param bool likelihood_change: Declare whether the likelihood function has changed. If so, it is recommended that workload is distributed amongst a world of MPI processes on a cluster. :param bool prior_change: Declare whether the prior density function has changed. Generally, this reweighting factor is inexpensive to evaluate and can be executed on a desktop in minutes. :param bool overwrite: Overwrite an existing importance sample file on disk? """ yield 'Cross-checking parameter names' if len(target) > len(importance): raise TypeError('Every target distribution parameter must ' 'be an importance distribution parameter.') for name in target.names: if name not in names: raise NameError('Every target distribution parameter must be ' 'an importance sample space dimension.') assert len(importance) == len(names), ('The importance samples must be ' 'draws from the the importance ' 'distribution') for name in importance.names: if name not in names: raise NameError('Every importance distribution parameter must be ' 'an importance sample space dimension.') _target_state_to_restore = target.externally_updated target.externally_updated = False _importance_state_to_restore = importance.externally_updated importance.externally_updated = False yield 'Loading samples' if _rank == 0: samples = _np.loadtxt(sample_root + '.txt', dtype=_np.double) _max = _np.max(samples[:,0]) _ref = importance_sampled = samples[samples[:,0]/_max >= weight_threshold,:] yield 'Importance sample fraction = %.3f%%.'%(100.0 * _ref.shape[0]/samples.shape[0]) def _prior_reweight(theta): """ Helper function for to break conditional statement. """ if not hasattr(target, 'prior') or not hasattr(importance, 'prior'): return 1.0 # silently terminate if not hasattr(target.prior, 'density') or not hasattr(importance.prior, 'density'): return 1.0 # silently terminate _target_theta = [theta[names.index(n)] for n in target.names] _importance_theta = [theta[names.index(n)] for n in importance.names] if not likelihood_change: super(Likelihood, target).__call__(_target_theta) super(Likelihood, importance).__call__(_importance_theta) _target = target.prior.density(_target_theta) _importance = importance.prior.density(_importance_theta) if not likelihood_change: # memoization: revert parameter value cache super(Likelihood, target).__call__(target.cached) super(Likelihood, target).__call__(target.vector) super(Likelihood, importance).__call__(importance.cached) super(Likelihood, importance).__call__(importance.vector) return _target/_importance yield 'Distributing workload amongst %i MPI processes'%_size if _rank == 0: # number of MPI scatterings _iterations = int(_m.ceil(_ref.shape[0]/_size)) else: _iterations = None _iterations = _comm.bcast(_iterations, root=0) for i in range(_iterations): if _rank == 0: if i == _iterations - 1 and _ref.shape[0]%_size != 0: _remaining = _ref.shape[0]%_size theta = [list(vector) for vector in _ref[i*_size:i*_size+_remaining,2:]] theta += [None]*(_size - _remaining) else: theta = [list(vector) for vector in _ref[i*_size:(i+1)*_size,2:]] else: theta = None theta = _comm.scatter(theta, root=0) weight = None _target = None if theta is not None: if likelihood_change: _target = target([theta[names.index(n)] for n in target.names]) _importance = importance([theta[names.index(n)] for n in importance.names]) # objects return logarithm of likelihood weight = _np.exp(_target - _importance) if prior_change: if weight is not None: weight *= _prior_reweight(theta) else: weight = _prior_reweight(theta) weight = _comm.gather(weight, root=0) if likelihood_change: _target = _comm.gather(_target, root=0) if _rank == 0: if i == _iterations - 1 and _ref.shape[0]%_size != 0: _ref[i*_size:i*_size+_remaining,0] *= _np.array(weight[:_remaining]) if likelihood_change: _ref[i*_size:i*_size+_remaining,1] = -2.0*_np.array(_target[:_remaining]) else: _ref[i*_size:(i+1)*_size,0] *= _np.array(weight) if likelihood_change: _ref[i*_size:(i+1)*_size,1] = -2.0*_np.array(_target) yield 'Renormalising weights' if _rank == 0: # renormalise _ref[:,0] /= _np.sum(_ref[:,0]) _file = sample_root + '__importance_sampled' + '.txt' if _os.path.isfile(_file): _write = True if overwrite else False else: _write = True if _write: yield 'Writing to disk' _np.savetxt(_file, _ref) yield 'Restoring likelihood-object parameter update protocol attributes' target.externally_updated = _target_state_to_restore importance.externally_updated = _importance_state_to_restore yield