neost.eos package
neost.eos.base module
- class neost.eos.base.BaseEoS(crust='ceft-Hebeler', rho_t=200000000000000.0)[source]
Base class representing an equation of state object.
- crust: str
The name of the EoS crust model to use. Can be either ‘ceft-Hebeler’, ‘ceft-Drischler’, ‘ceft-Lynn’, ‘ceft-Tews’, ‘ceft-old’, ‘BPS’, or None if a tabulated EoS with a crust model already included is used.
- rho_t: float
The transition density between the crust EOS and the high density parameterization in cgs.
- update(eos_params, max_edsc=True)
Update the EoS object with a given set of parameters
- get_eos_crust()
Construct the crust of the equation of state, with or without cEFT.
- plot()
Plot the equation of state.
- plot_massradius()
Plot the mass-radius curve of the equation of state.
- f_chi_calc(epscent, epscent_dm)[source]
Method to calculate the ADM mass-fraction given the baryonic and ADM central densities, respectively.
- epscentfloat
Baryonic central energy density in cgs units for mass-density, i.e., divided by the speed of light squared.
- epscent_dm: float
ADM central energy density in cgs units for mass-density, i.e., divided by the speed of light squared.
- find_epsdm_cent(ADM_fraction, epscent)[source]
Method to calculate the ADM central energy density given the baryonic central energy density and ADM mass-fraction. Uses a wide array of different intervals of central energy densities to determine the ADM central energy density as a root finding problem.
- ADM_fraction: float
Given ADM mass-fraction as a percentage [%]
- epscentfloat
Baryonic central energy density in cgs units for mass-density, i.e., divided by the speed of light squared.
- update(eos_params, max_edsc=True)[source]
Method to update a given EoS object with specified parameters.
- eos_paramsdict
A dictionary containing the parameter values of the EoS model.
- max_edsc: bool
If True, compute the maximum central energy density allowed by this set of parameters (default is True).
neost.eos.polytropes module
- class neost.eos.polytropes.PolytropicEoS(crust, rho_t, adm_type='None', dm_halo=False, two_fluid_tidal=False)[source]
Class representing a polytropic equation of state object.
- rho_t: float
The transition density between the crust EOS and the high density parameterization in cgs.
- ceft: bool
If True a low-density cEFT parameterization is used.
- ceft_method: str
The name of the cEFT calculations used at low density. Can be one of ‘Hebeler’, ‘Drischler’, ‘Lynn’, ‘Keller-N2LO’, ‘Keller-N3L0’, or ‘Tews’.
- adm_type: str
The name of the ADM particle type. Can be ‘None’, ‘Bosonic’, or ‘Fermionic’
- dm_halo: bool
If True, ADM halos will be allowed.
- two_fluid_tidal: bool
If True, the two-fluid tidal deformability solver will be used. See file
- update(eos_params, max_edsc=True)
Update the EoS object with a given set of parameters
- get_eos_crust()
Construct the crust of the equation of state, with or without cEFT.
- get_eos()
Construct the high-density parameterization of the equation of state.
- eos_core_pp()
Function to compute the polytropic equation of state parameterization.
- add_adm_eos()
Function to compute the ADM EoS, whether it be bosonic or fermionic in nature.
- plot()
Plot the equation of state.
- plot_massradius()
Plot the mass-radius curve of the equation of state.
neost.eos.speedofsound module
- class neost.eos.speedofsound.SpeedofSoundEoS(crust, rho_t, adm_type='None', dm_halo=False, two_fluid_tidal=False)[source]
Class representing an equation of state object.
- eos_namestr
The name of the EOS parameterization. Should be one of ‘polytropes’, ‘speedofsound’ or ‘spectral’.
- rho_t: float
The transition density between the crust EOS and the high density parameterization in cgs.
- ceft: bool
If True a low-density cEFT parameterization is used.
- ceft_method: str
The name of the cEFT calculations used at low density. Can be one of ‘Hebeler’, ‘Drischler’, ‘Lynn’, ‘Keller-N2LO’, ‘Keller-N3L0’, or ‘Tews’.
- adm_type: str
The name of the ADM particle type. Can be ‘None’, ‘Bosonic’, or ‘Fermionic’
- dm_halo: bool
If True, ADM halos will be allowed.
- two_fluid_tidal: bool
If True, the two-fluid tidal deformability solver will be used. See file
- update(eos_params, max_edsc=True)
Update the EoS object with a given set of parameters
- get_eos_crust()
Construct the crust of the equation of state, with or without cEFT.
- get_eos()
Construct the high-density parameterization of the equation of state.
- add_adm_eos()
Function to compute the ADM EoS, whether it be bosonic or fermionic in nature.
- plot()
Plot the equation of state.
- plot_massradius()
Plot the mass-radius curve of the equation of state.