
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[v2.1.0 - 2024-12-18]


Changes from JOSS review process.


  • Notes for those attempting to compile and run on Mac M-series chips

  • Details of Cython vs Python speed-up


  • Small changes to JOSS paper

  • Updated install.rst to use python -m pip install


  • rhoc overwritten in PosteriorAnalysis.compute_auxiliary_data(), which caused a power overflow error in star = Star(10**rhoc).


  • NEoST core team

  • Axel Donath

[v2.0.0 - 2024-10-01]


Included the functionality of NEoST to allow for the possibility of fermionic or bosonic asymmetric dark matter (ADM) using the Nelson et al. 2018 ADM model.


  • Two-fluid TOV solver in both python and cython that allows for an additional ADM component in the GR stellar structure equations. (TOVdm.pyx and TOVdm_python.py)

  • Included the two-fluid tidal-deformability equations.

  • Prior and posterior examples which include the possibility of ADM

  • A simple tutorial showing how to compute the ADM admixed neutron star mass-radius and mass-tidal relations in NEoST.

  • ADM functionality in base.py with “fchi_calc” and “find_epsdm_cent” functions.

  • Calling functions in Star.py to access ADM mass and radius

  • ADM EOS in polytropes.py, speedofsound.py, and tablualted.py

  • ADM functionality in Likelihood.py with hard-cut offs included to eliminate non-physical parts of the ADM EOS parameter space.

  • ADM functionality in PosteriorAnalysis.py

  • ADM sampling in Prior.py such that ‘mchi’ (ADM particle mass) and ‘gchi_over_mphi’ (effective ADM self-repulsion strength) are sampled log-uniformly.


  • NEoST core team

[v1.0.0 - 2024-09-11]


Modernized installation, use standard python abbreviations “np” and “plt”, updated JOSS paper, minor bug fixes


  • A numpy ragged-array issue in PosteriorAnalysis.compute_table_data()


  • Rutherford 2024 paper to publication list

  • New main installation script: pyproject.toml

  • Simple makefile that can install NEoST and also clean up generated files to simplify installation troubleshooting

  • Reinstated tested instructions for compiling the documentation


  • Unused imports and commented-out code


  • The content and purpose of setup.py. This file is no longer the main installation script; its only purpose is to compile the Cython TOV solvers. To not compile these in case of issues, simply rename or delete setup.py.

  • Installation instructions when not using conda


  • NEoST core team

[v0.10.0 - 2024-07-10]


Updates to the code and documentation for the 2024 ApJL paper, compatibility improvements


Compatibility issues:

  • A couple of numpy “ragged arrays” problems, which numpy no longer supports. Two in neost/Likelihood.py, and one in the initial_conditions() function in neost/tovsolvers/TOVr_python.py. The ragged arrays were previously constructed similar to np.array([x1, [x2], x3, [x4]]) whereas in this version they are constructed like np.array([x1, x2, x3, x4]).

  • Cython 3 compilation issue.

  • Use “density” instead of “normed” in numpy.histogramdd.

  • seaborn.kdeplot: Use “fill” instead of “shade”, “levels” instead of “n_levels”, “cmap” instead of “colors”, and modify the supplied values accordingly

  • Function name change: scipy.integrate.cumtrapz is now called scipy.integrate.cumulative_trapezoid. This was introduced in scipy 1.6 and the old name will become deprecated in scipy 1.14.

  • Some minor plotting warnings


  • New Keller-N2LO and Keller-N3LO crusts

  • neost.PosteriorAnalysis.compute_table_data() function which computes a number of quantities published in tables in the 2024 ApJL paper.

  • neost.PosteriorAnalysis.compute_prior_auxiliary_data() function, which is a simplified and faster version of neost.PosteriorAnalysis.compute_auxiliary_data().

  • A “likelihood function” for prior samplings, which checks that our imposed constraints are fulfilled. No actual data is used in this “likelihood” so our priors are still priors.

  • Use scipy.interpolate.interp1d if scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline fails in neost.eos.polytropes


  • Dependencies: getdist, alive_progress

  • Functionality: the option to plot two distributions at the same time using neost.PosteriorAnalysis.mass_radius_prior_predictive_plot().


  • Cython TOV solvers no longer print “using c code”. Python TOV solvers, on the other hand, now raise a warning when they are in use.

  • Renamed build.py to setup.py to enable installing with pip

  • Updated core team membership


  • Scipy < 1.6 no longer supported due to the name change of scipy.integrate.cumtrapz.


  • NEoST core team

[v0.9.1] - 2023-09-20


Minor changes to all documentation and tutorials + submitted version of JOSS paper.


  • JOSS paper (submitted version)


  • Updates to all tutorials and documentation.


  • NEoST core team

[v0.9.0] - 2023-09-07


First public release of repository.