Piecewise Polytropic Prior with ADM Example
The main purpose of this code is to demonstrate how one can fix the prior-likelihood to a constant value and use multinest to sample the prior space log-uniformly with asymmetric dark matter(ADM) present. Within this script, one can use the PosteriorAnalysis.py
script to generate the prior axuiliary data and the prior 95% confidence intervals.
The following block of code will properly import NEoST and its prerequisites, furthermore it also defines a name for the inference run, this name is what will be prefixed to all of NEoST’s output files.
The machinary used within this script and the explanation of them is identical to those found in the Piecewise Polytropic, Speed of Sound, and Tabulated Examples.
import neost
from neost.eos import polytropes
from neost.Prior import Prior
from neost.Star import Star
from neost.Likelihood import Likelihood
from neost import PosteriorAnalysis
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
from scipy.stats import gaussian_kde
import numpy as np
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pymultinest.solve import solve
import time
import os
if not os.path.exists("chains"):
import neost.global_imports as global_imports
# Some physical constants
c = global_imports._c
G = global_imports._G
Msun = global_imports._M_s
pi = global_imports._pi
rho_ns = global_imports._rhons
Below, we define the piecewise polytripic equation of state model, import the J0740 likelihood function, set the ADM particle type to be a boson, and set whether we want to calculate ADM halos as well as the two-fluid tidal deformability. Note, both dm_halo and two_fluid_tidal are set to be False by default, so a user doesn’t need to define them before-hand if they don’t want to consider them in their inference. We wanted to highlight these parameters so that one knew where to define them in the event that either parameter were to be considered.
# Define name for run
run_name = "prior-hebeler-pp-bosonic-adm-"
# We're exploring a polytropic (P) EoS parametrization with a chiral effective field theory (CEFT) parametrization based on Hebeler's work
# Transition between CS parametrisation and CEFT parametrization occurs at 1.1*saturation density
polytropes_pp = polytropes.PolytropicEoS(crust = 'ceft-Hebeler', rho_t = 1.1*rho_ns, adm_type = 'Bosonic',dm_halo = False,two_fluid_tidal = False)
Below, we define the piecewise polytripic equation of state model, import the J0740 likelihood function, and set the variable paramaeters with their respective prior space intervals depending on the their adm_type
string parameter value. This is because the ADM priors are dependent on if one specifies that it is a boson or fermion.
# Create the likelihoods for the individual measurements
mass_radius_j0740 = np.load('j0740.npy').T
J0740_LL = gaussian_kde(mass_radius_j0740)
# Pass the likelihoods to the solver
likelihood_functions = [J0740_LL.pdf]
likelihood_params = [['Mass', 'Radius']]
# Define whether event is GW or not and define number of stars/events
chirp_mass = [None]
number_stars = len(chirp_mass)
# Define variable parameters, same prior as previous papers of Raaijmakers et al
if polytropes_pp.adm_type == 'Bosonic':
variable_params={'ceft':[polytropes_pp.min_norm, polytropes_pp.max_norm],'gamma1':[1.,4.5],'gamma2':[0.,8.],'gamma3':[0.5,8.],'rho_t1':[1.5,8.3],'rho_t2':[1.5,8.3],
'mchi':[-2, 8],'gchi_over_mphi': [-3,3],'adm_fraction':[0., 5.]}
elif polytropes_pp.adm_type == 'Fermionic':
variable_params={'ceft':[polytropes_pp.min_norm, polytropes_pp.max_norm],'gamma1':[1.,4.5],'gamma2':[0.,8.],'gamma3':[0.5,8.],'rho_t1':[1.5,8.3],'rho_t2':[1.5,8.3],
'mchi':[-2, 9],'gchi_over_mphi': [-5,3],'adm_fraction':[0., 1.7]}
if polytropes_pp.adm_type == 'None':
variable_params={'ceft':[polytropes_pp.min_norm, polytropes_pp.max_norm],'gamma1':[1.,4.5],'gamma2':[0.,8.],'gamma3':[0.5,8.],'rho_t1':[1.5,8.3],'rho_t2':[1.5,8.3]}
#Note if the user wants to have a seperate adm_fraction per source, include it below via
#'adm_fraction_' + str(i+1):[0., 5.]. And eliminate the adm_fraction above, as that is to assume all Neutron stars have the same amount of adm_fraction
for i in range(number_stars):
variable_params.update({'rhoc_' + str(i+1):[14.6, 16]})
# Define static parameters, empty dict because all params are variable
Finally, the prior object must be created using the following function call:neost.Prior.Prior(EOS, variable_params, static_params, chirp_masses)
where the EOS
argument is the equation of state object that was created in the previous step. When this prior is called it will then uniformly sample sets of parameters from the defined parameter ranges.
The likelihood is defined by providing both the previously defined prior object and the likelihood functions defined in the previous codeblock. This is done with the following code: likelihood = Likelihood(prior, likelihood_functions, likelihood_params, chirp_mass)
# Define prior
prior = Prior(polytropes_pp, variable_params, static_params, chirp_mass)
likelihood = Likelihood(prior, likelihood_functions, likelihood_params, chirp_mass)
print("Bounds of prior are")
print("number of parameters is %d" %len(variable_params))
Bounds of prior are
{'ceft': [1.676, 2.814], 'gamma1': [1.0, 4.5], 'gamma2': [0.0, 8.0], 'gamma3': [0.5, 8.0], 'rho_t1': [1.5, 8.3], 'rho_t2': [1.5, 8.3], 'mchi': [-2, 8], 'gchi_over_mphi': [-3, 3], 'adm_fraction': [0.0, 5.0], 'rhoc_1': [14.6, 16]}
number of parameters is 10
When finished with testing your likelihood and prior you can proceed to the actual inference process. This is done in the code block below. Warning: depending on the performance of your platform, this might be a very slow process. To make it slightly faster, we have decreased the number of live points and set a maximum number of iterations for this example. For a proper analysis, we would remove the max_iter argument and set, for example, n_live_points=30000.
[ ]:
# Then we start the sampling, note the greatly increased number of livepoints, this is required because each livepoint terminates after 1 iteration
start = time.time()
result = solve(LogLikelihood=likelihood.loglike_prior, Prior=prior.inverse_sample, n_live_points=1000, evidence_tolerance=0.1,
n_dims=len(variable_params), sampling_efficiency=0.8, outputfiles_basename='chains/' + run_name, verbose=True, resume = True)
end = time.time()
print(end - start)
MultiNest Warning: no resume file found, starting from scratch
MultiNest v3.10
Copyright Farhan Feroz & Mike Hobson
Release Jul 2015
no. of live points = 5000
dimensionality = 10
Starting MultiNest
generating live points
Exception ignored on calling ctypes callback function: <function run.<locals>.loglike at 0x7f07983b1260>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/nr1118/anaconda3/envs/neost/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pymultinest/run.py", line 223, in loglike
return LogLikelihood(cube, ndim, nparams, lnew)
File "/home/nr1118/anaconda3/envs/neost/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pymultinest/solve.py", line 56, in SafeLoglikelihood
l = float(LogLikelihood(a))
File "/home/nr1118/anaconda3/envs/neost/lib/python3.12/site-packages/neost/Likelihood.py", line 172, in loglike_prior
epsdm_cent = self.prior.EOS.find_epsdm_cent(ADM_fraction=pr_dict['adm_fraction'],
File "/home/nr1118/anaconda3/envs/neost/lib/python3.12/site-packages/neost/eos/base.py", line 393, in find_epsdm_cent
sol = optimize.brenth(f,1e22 ,1e24,maxiter = 3000,xtol = 1e-24,full_output = True)
File "/home/nr1118/anaconda3/envs/neost/lib/python3.12/site-packages/scipy/optimize/_zeros_py.py", line 917, in brenth
r = _zeros._brenth(f, a, b, xtol, rtol, maxiter, args, full_output, disp)
File "/home/nr1118/anaconda3/envs/neost/lib/python3.12/site-packages/scipy/optimize/_zeros_py.py", line 94, in f_raise
fx = f(x, *args)
File "/home/nr1118/anaconda3/envs/neost/lib/python3.12/site-packages/neost/eos/base.py", line 375, in <lambda>
f = lambda y: self.f_chi_calc(epscent,y) - ADM_fraction
File "/home/nr1118/anaconda3/envs/neost/lib/python3.12/site-packages/neost/eos/base.py", line 365, in f_chi_calc
star.solve_structure(self.energydensities, self.pressures, self.energydensities_dm, self.pressures_dm,self.dm_halo)
File "/home/nr1118/anaconda3/envs/neost/lib/python3.12/site-packages/neost/Star.py", line 83, in solve_structure
self.Mb, self.Rns, self.Mdm_core, self.Mdm_halo, self.radius_dm_core, self.radius_dm_halo, self.tidal = solveTOVdm(self.epscent, self.epscent_dm, eps, pres, eps_dm, pres_dm, dm_halo,two_fluid_tidal, atol, rtol, hmax, step)
File "neost/tovsolvers/TOVdm.pyx", line 179, in neost.tovsolvers.TOVdm.solveTOVdm
File "/home/nr1118/anaconda3/envs/neost/lib/python3.12/site-packages/numpy/lib/arraysetops.py", line 133, in _unique_dispatcher
def _unique_dispatcher(ar, return_index=None, return_inverse=None,
[ ]:
PosteriorAnalysis.compute_prior_auxiliary_data('chains/' + run_name, polytropes_pp,
variable_params, static_params,dm = True)
[ ]:
PosteriorAnalysis.cornerplot('chains/' + run_name, variable_params, dm = True)
[ ]:
PosteriorAnalysis.mass_radius_posterior_plot('chains/' + run_name)
[ ]:
PosteriorAnalysis.mass_radius_prior_predictive_plot('chains/' + run_name,variable_params, label_name='+ J0740 dataset')
[ ]:
PosteriorAnalysis.eos_posterior_plot('chains/' + run_name,variable_params)