import numpy as np
from math import pow
from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline,interp1d
from scipy.integrate import odeint
from . base import BaseEoS
from .. import global_imports
c = global_imports._c
G = global_imports._G
Msun = global_imports._M_s
pi = global_imports._pi
rho_ns = global_imports._rhons
dyncm2_to_MeVfm3 = global_imports._dyncm2_to_MeVfm3
gcm3_to_MeVfm3 = global_imports._gcm3_to_MeVfm3
oneoverfm_MeV = global_imports._oneoverfm_MeV
class PolytropicEoS(BaseEoS):
Class representing a polytropic equation of state object.
rho_t: float
The transition density between the crust EOS and the high density
parameterization in cgs.
ceft: bool
If True a low-density cEFT parameterization is used.
ceft_method: str
The name of the cEFT calculations used at low density.
Can be one of 'Hebeler', 'Drischler', 'Lynn', 'Keller-N2LO', 'Keller-N3L0', or 'Tews'.
adm_type: str
The name of the ADM particle type. Can be 'None', 'Bosonic', or 'Fermionic'
dm_halo: bool
If True, ADM halos will be allowed.
two_fluid_tidal: bool
If True, the two-fluid tidal deformability solver will be used. See file
update(eos_params, max_edsc=True)
Update the EoS object with a given set of parameters
Construct the crust of the equation of state, with or without cEFT.
Construct the high-density parameterization of the equation of state.
Function to compute the polytropic equation of state parameterization.
Function to compute the ADM EoS, whether it be bosonic or fermionic in nature.
Plot the equation of state.
Plot the mass-radius curve of the equation of state.
def __init__(self, crust, rho_t,adm_type = 'None',dm_halo = False,two_fluid_tidal = False):
super(PolytropicEoS, self).__init__(crust, rho_t)
self.eos_name = 'polytropes'
self.param_names = ['gamma1', 'gamma2', 'gamma3',
'rho_t1', 'rho_t2']
self.adm_type = adm_type
self.dm_halo = dm_halo
self.two_fluid_tidal = two_fluid_tidal
if self.ceft is True:
if self.adm_type not in ['Bosonic', 'Fermionic', 'None']:
raise TypeError('ADM model not recognized. Choose either "Bosonic" or "Fermionic". If ADM is not needed, select "None".')
if self.adm_type in ['Bosonic','Fermionic']:
self.param_names +=['mchi','gchi_over_mphi', 'adm_fraction']
def get_eos(self):
self.gammas = list(map(self.eos_params.get,
['gamma1', 'gamma2', 'gamma3']))
self.rho_ts = list(map(self.eos_params.get, ['rho_t1', 'rho_t2']))
self._rho_core = np.zeros(297)
self._rho_core[0:99] = np.linspace(self.rho_t / rho_ns,
self.rho_ts[0], 100)[1::]
self._rho_core[99:198] = np.linspace(self.rho_ts[0],
self.rho_ts[1], 100)[1::]
self._rho_core[198::] = np.logspace(np.log10(self.rho_ts[1]),
2.2, 100)[1::]
self._pres_core = np.zeros(len(self._rho_core))
for i, e in enumerate(self._rho_core):
self._pres_core[i] = self.eos_core_pp(e,
self.P_t * dyncm2_to_MeVfm3)
totalrho = np.hstack([self._rho_crust, self._rho_core * rho_ns])
totalpres = np.hstack([self._pres_crust,
self._pres_core / dyncm2_to_MeVfm3])
eps0 = self._eds_crust[-1]
prho = 0
totalrho,indicies = np.unique(totalrho,return_index = True)
totalpres = totalpres[indicies]
prho = UnivariateSpline(totalrho, totalpres, k=2, s=0)
except ValueError:
prho = interp1d(totalrho,totalpres,kind = 'linear',fill_value = 'extrapolate')
result = odeint(self.edens, eps0,
totalrho[totalrho >= self._rho_crust[-1]],
self._eds_core = result.flatten()[1::]
totaleps = np.hstack([self._eds_crust, self._eds_core])
self.pressures = totalpres #oringally in cgs units
self.energydensities = totaleps
self.massdensities = totalrho
self.eos = UnivariateSpline(self.energydensities,
self.pressures, k=1, s=0)
if self.adm_type in ['Bosonic', 'Fermionic']:
def eos_core_pp(self, rho, P_t):
P_ts, k = (np.zeros(len(self.gammas)) for i in range(2))
P_ts[0] = P_t
k[0] = P_t / ((self.rho_t / rho_ns)**self.gammas[0])
P_ts[1] = k[0] * self.rho_ts[0]**self.gammas[0]
k[1] = P_ts[1] / (self.rho_ts[0]**self.gammas[1])
P_ts[2] = k[1] * self.rho_ts[1]**self.gammas[1]
k[2] = P_ts[2] / (self.rho_ts[1]**self.gammas[2])
self.pres_ts = P_ts[1::] / dyncm2_to_MeVfm3
if rho <= self.rho_ts[0]:
pres = k[0] * rho**self.gammas[0]
if self.rho_ts[0] < rho <= self.rho_ts[1]:
pres = k[1] * rho**self.gammas[1]
if self.rho_ts[1] < rho:
pres = k[2] * rho**self.gammas[2]
return pres
def polytropic_func(self, rho, K, index):
return K * rho**index
def add_adm_eos(self):
def joinarray(ar1,ar2):
return np.concatenate((ar1,ar2))
_c = 2.99792458e8 # m/s
_hbar = 1.0545718e-34 # J*s
MeV_to_Joules = 1.60218e-13 # J
self.mchi = self.eos_params['mchi'] * MeV_to_Joules / _c**2.
self.gchi_over_mphi = (self.eos_params['gchi_over_mphi'] / MeV_to_Joules * _c**2.)
self.adm_fraction = self.eos_params['adm_fraction']
# Bosonic Dark matter component
# geometric
if self.adm_type == 'Bosonic':
#print('Using bosonic EoS')
pos_nchi = np.logspace(-5, 55, 5000)
self.energydensities_dm = (self.mchi * _c**2 * pos_nchi + 1. / 2. *
pow(self.gchi_over_mphi,2) * _hbar**3 *
_c**(-1) * pos_nchi**2) *10 / c**2 #Factor of 10 is here to convert from SI base units to cgs base units
# /c**2 is here since this is base units of g/(cm s^2) not g/cm^3
self.pressures_dm = (1. / 2. * pow(self.gchi_over_mphi,2) *
_hbar**3 * _c**(-1.) * pos_nchi**2) *10 #Factor of 10 is here to convert from SI base units to cgs base units
self.massdensities_dm = pos_nchi * self.mchi * pow(10,-3) #Factor of 10^-3 is here to convert from SI base units to cgs base units
if self.adm_type == 'Fermionic':
#Fermionic Dark matter component
# geometric units
#print('Using fermionic EoS')
pts = 5000 #default point value
lower_bound = -2.5 #default lower bound
upper_bound = 2.5 #default upper bound
if self.eos_params['mchi'] < 10:
upper_bound = 6
if self.eos_params['mchi']>=pow(10,3):
lower_bound = -14
upper_bound = 1
if self.eos_params['mchi']>= pow(10,5):
lower_bound = -10
upper_bound = 1
x= np.logspace(lower_bound,upper_bound,pts)
self.energydensities_dm = np.zeros(pts)
self.pressures_dm = np.zeros(pts)
z = x[x<pow(10,-2)]
interact_term = 1./2.*pow(self.gchi_over_mphi,2)*self.mchi**2*z**6/(3*np.pi**2)**2
self.energydensities_dm[0:len(z)] = (_c**5*self.mchi**4/_hbar**3*(z**3/(3*np.pi**2) + interact_term))*10 / c**2 #Factor of 10 is here to convert from SI base units to cgs base unit
# /c**2 is here since this is base units of g/(cm s^2) not g/cm^3
self.pressures_dm[0:len(z)] = (_c**5*self.mchi**4/_hbar**3*(z**5/(15*np.pi**2) + interact_term))*10 #Factor of 10 is here to convert from SI base units to cgs base unit
# EXACT EoS FOR VALUES OF x >= 10**-2
y = x[x>=pow(10,-2)]
const = (self.mchi**4*_c**5/(8*np.pi**2*_hbar**3))
A= const*(2*y**3+y)*np.sqrt(1+y**2)
B = const*np.log(y+np.sqrt(1+y**2))
C = (1/(18*np.pi**4))*pow(self.gchi_over_mphi,2)*(_c**5/_hbar**3)*(self.mchi*y)**6
self.energydensities_dm[len(z)::] = (A-B+C)*10 / c**2 #Factor of 10 is here to convert from SI base units to cgs base unit
# /c**2 is here since this is base units of g/(cm s^2) not g/cm^3
self.pressures_dm[len(z)::] = (const*np.sqrt(1+y**2)*((2./ 3.*y**3)-y)+B+C)*10 #Factor of 10 is here to convert from SI base units to cgs base unit #10 ADDED ON 11/18. This is added to convert kg/ms^2 to g/cms^2
nchi = 1./(3*np.pi**2)*(self.mchi*_c*x/_hbar)**3
self.massdensities_dm = nchi * self.mchi * pow(10,-3) #Factor of 10^-3 is here to convert from SI base units to cgs base units
def check_constraints(self):
check = True #required because there are checks in file, but no constraints are needed for this file
if self.reach_fraction == True:
check = True
check = False
return check