Team and acknowledgements
Below we acknowledge people who have contributed explicitly and implicitly to the development of NEoST. If you wish to have your name removed, please notify the NEoST Core team. Please also prompt us to update this page if you have engaged with this project: your time is a resource we wish to acknowledge. Specific patch or feature acknowledgements are often reported in the project History (CHANGELOG). Affiliations and contact details are only listed for team members to ease maintainability.
Core team
Those involved in code maintenance and development (technical and scientific).
Melissa Mendes (melissa.mendes[at], TU Darmstadt
Geert Raaijmakers (g.raaijmakers93[at], the original developer of NEoST
Nathan Rutherford (nathan.rutherford[at], University of New Hampshire
Tuomo Salmi (t.h.j.salmi[at], University of Amsterdam
Isak Svensson (isak.svensson[at], TU Darmstadt
Patrick Timmerman (patrick.timmerman98[at]
Anna Watts (a.l.watts[at], University of Amsterdam
Folks who have used NEoST in their research or engaged with the team during development and science analysis, thereby prompting fixes or improvements.
Svenja Greif
Kai Hebeler
Daniela Huppenkothen
Samaya Nissanke
Chanda Prescod-Weinstein
Achim Schwenk
Graphical design
ART by the Watts Kids:
Aeryn Farquhar (NEoST logo)
Bryndis Farquhar (NEoST banner)
Development of NEoST has been and is being supported by the following grants:
ERC Starting Grant No. 639217 CSINEUTRONSTAR and ERC Consolidator Grant No. 865768 AEONS (PI Anna Watts)
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek VIDI and Projectruimte grants (PI Samaya Nissanke)
NASA Grant No. 80NSSC22K0092 (PI Chanda Prescod-Weinstein)
ERC Advanced Grant No. 101020842 EUSTRONG (PI Achim Schwenk)