Source code for xpsi.PostProcessing._spectrum

from __future__ import division

from ._global_imports import *

    import fgivenx
except ImportError:
    _warning('Cannot import fgivenx for conditional posterior contours.')
    fgivenx = None

from import phase_integrator
from import energy_interpolator
from import phase_interpolator as interp

from ._signalplot import SignalPlot

[docs]class SpectrumPlot(SignalPlot): """ Plot posterior-averaged channel count-rate spectra. The figure contains three panels which share phase as an x-axis: * the top panel displays the specific photon flux signal from the source, resolved as a function of energy, optionally showing both unattenuated and attenuated incident spectra and optionally using :mod:`fgivenx`; * the center panel displays the posterior expectation of the count-rate signal as a function of channel and phase, optionally including an expected background signal; * the bottom panel displays the phase-integrated (averaged) count-rate spectum as a function of channel number, optionally including an expected background signal and optionally using :mod:`fgivenx`. The top and bottom panels aim to render the conditional posterior distribution of the associated signal as a function an energy (proxy) variable, ideally with contours to map out the conditional posterior mass. These panels have space to optionally display other elements such as: the posterior-expected total signal; the posterior-expected component signals; the true total and component signals if the ground truth (the injected signal correpsonding to some model parameter vector) is known; attenuated incident spectra; and the summation of posterior-expected total (component-summed) source count-rate signals with posterior-expected background count-rate signals. The following example is (improved) from :ref:`R19`: .. image:: _static/_spectrumplot.png :param float rel_num_energies: The number of energies desired for interpolation as a fraction of the number of energies implemented for the original incident signal integration. The energy set will be appropriately spaced and bounded. :param int num_phases: The number of phases to interpolate the pulse-profile signals at for the center panel. :param str registered_cmap: Colormap name from :mod:`matplotlib` to use for the posterior-expected registered signal as a function of channel and phase (center panel). :param bool show_components: If the :class:`~.Signal.Signal` instance has multiple components (hot region signals), display the posterior expectations of those components as a function of energy (top panel) and channel (bottom panel). :param bool show_attenuated: If the source signal is attenuated by the interstellar absorption processes, display the posterior-expected attenuated incident specific photon flux spectra? This switch also instructs :mod:`fgivenx`, if enabled, to generate conditional posterior contours for the attenuated spectrum instead of the unattenuated spectrum (top panel). If :mod:`fgivenx` is not invoked, this switch instructs the plotting of sample-by-sample attenuated total (component-summed) spectra to delineate the distribution of conditional posterior mass (top panel). :param dict expectation_line_kwargs: Keyword arguments for plotting the posterior-expected signal lines (in the top and bottom panels). :param bool add_background: Add an posterior-expected background count-rate signal to the total (component-summed) expected source count-rate signals in the center and bottom panels? :param dict background_line_kwargs: Keyword arguments for plotting the posterior-expected spectrum in the bottom panel that includes the background signal. :param bool use_fgivenx: Use :mod:`fgivenx` to plot conditional posterior contours in the top and bottom panels? :param dict incident_contour_kwargs: Keyword arguments for :mod:`fgivenx` incident signal contours (top panel) that will take precedence over the corresponding class attributes. (See the :class:`~.SignalPlot` class if you choose not to modify these attributes on this present subclass.) :param dict registered_contour_kwargs: Keyword arguments for :mod:`fgivenx` registered signal contours (bottom panel) that will take precedence over the corresponding class attributes. (See the :class:`~.SignalPlot` class if you choose not to modify these attributes on this present subclass.) :param plot_truth: Plot the ground truth (injected) signal, if known and available, in the top and bottom panels. :param truth_line_kwargs: Keyword arguments for plotting the ground truth signal lines (top and bottom panels). :param comp_truth_line_kwargs: Keyword arguments for plotting the component ground truth signal lines (top and bottom panels). """ __figtype__ = 'signalplot_spectrum' # do not change at runtime (see base class comments): __caching_targets__ = ['shifts', 'signals', # count-rate signals # incident specific flux signals 'incident_specific_flux_signals'] __rows__ = 3 __columns__ = 1 __ax_rows__ = 2 __ax_columns__ = 1 __height_ratios__ = [1,2] __width_ratios__ = [1] __wspace__ = 0.025 __hspace__ = 0.175 @make_verbose('Instantiating a spectrum plotter for posterior checking', 'Spectrum plotter instantiated') def __init__(self, rel_num_energies=10.0, num_phases=1000, registered_cmap='inferno', show_components=False, show_attenuated=True, expectation_line_kwargs=None, comp_expectation_line_kwargs=None, add_background=False, background_line_kwargs=None, sample_line_kwargs=None, use_fgivenx=False, incident_contour_kwargs=None, registered_contour_kwargs=None, plot_truth=False, truth_line_kwargs=None, comp_truth_line_kwargs=None, **kwargs): try: _shadow = not self._logspace_y except AttributeError: _shadow = True if _shadow: # shadow class attribute kwargs.setdefault('logspace_y', True) if not kwargs.get('logspace_y'): yield ('Spectrum plots may have conditional-probability ' 'contour artefacts if logspace_y is not True.') super(SpectrumPlot, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._rel_num_energies = rel_num_energies self._phases = _np.linspace(0.0, 2.0, int(num_phases)) self._show_attenuated = show_attenuated self._add_background = add_background if add_background: # count-rate spectrum self.__caching_targets__.append('background_signal') if use_fgivenx and fgivenx is None: raise ImportError('Install fgivenx to plot contours.') self._use_fgivenx = use_fgivenx if self._use_fgivenx: self._incident_contour_kwargs =\ incident_contour_kwargs if incident_contour_kwargs else {} self._registered_contour_kwargs =\ registered_contour_kwargs if registered_contour_kwargs else {} self._get_figure() fig = self._fig gs = self._gs cls = type(self) # for the incident specific flux signal incident on an instrument gs_top = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(1, 2, subplot_spec=gs[0,0], wspace=cls.__wspace__, width_ratios=[50,1]) self._ax_incident = fig.add_subplot(gs_top[0,0]) # for the count-rate signal registered by an an instrument gs_bottom = gridspec.GridSpecFromSubplotSpec(2, 2, subplot_spec=gs[1,0], wspace=cls.__wspace__, hspace=0.125*self._fscale, height_ratios=[1,1], width_ratios=[50,1]) self._ax_registered = fig.add_subplot(gs_bottom[0,0]) self._ax_registered_1d = fig.add_subplot(gs_bottom[1,0]) self._axes = [self._ax_incident, self._ax_registered, self._ax_registered_1d] # incident axis properties self._ax_incident.set_xlabel(r'$E$ [keV]') self._ax_incident.set_xscale('log') self._ax_incident.set_ylabel(r'photons/keV/cm$^{2}$/s') self._ax_incident.set_yscale('log') # registered axis properties for ax in self._axes[1:]: ax.set_xscale('log') self._ax_registered.tick_params(axis='x', which='both', labelbottom=False) self._ax_registered_1d.set_xlabel('channel') self._ax_registered.set_ylabel(r'$\phi$ [cycles]') self._ax_registered.yaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(0.5)) self._ax_registered.yaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(0.1)) self._ax_registered.set_ylim([0.0,2.0]) self._ax_registered_1d.set_ylabel('counts/s') self._ax_registered_1d.set_yscale('log') # colorbars if use_fgivenx: self._ax_incident_cb = fig.add_subplot(gs_top[0,1]) self._axes.append(self._ax_incident_cb) self._ax_registered_1d_cb = fig.add_subplot(gs_bottom[1,1]) self._axes.append(self._ax_registered_1d_cb) self._ax_registered_cb = fig.add_subplot(gs_bottom[0,1]) self._axes.append(self._ax_registered_cb) self._show_components = show_components self._registered_cmap = registered_cmap if sample_line_kwargs is not None: self._sample_line_kwargs = sample_line_kwargs else: self._sample_line_kwargs = {} self._plot_truth = plot_truth if self._plot_truth: if truth_line_kwargs is None: self._truth_line_kwargs = \ dict(color=('b' if self._use_fgivenx else 'darkgreen'), ls='-.', lw=1.0, alpha=1.0) else: self._truth_line_kwargs = truth_line_kwargs if comp_truth_line_kwargs is not None: self._comp_truth_line_kwargs = comp_truth_line_kwargs else: self._comp_truth_line_kwargs = self._truth_line_kwargs if expectation_line_kwargs is None: color = 'k' if self._use_fgivenx else 'r' self._expectation_line_kwargs = dict(color=color, ls='-', lw=1.0, alpha=1.0) else: self._expectation_line_kwargs = expectation_line_kwargs if comp_expectation_line_kwargs is not None: self._comp_expectation_line_kwargs = comp_expectation_line_kwargs else: self._comp_expectation_line_kwargs = self._expectation_line_kwargs if background_line_kwargs is None: self._background_line_kwargs = dict(color='orange', ls='-', lw=1.0, alpha=1.0) else: self._background_line_kwargs = background_line_kwargs plt.close() yield @property def instruction_set(self): return self._instruction_set @instruction_set.deleter def instruction_set(self): try: del self._instruction_set except AttributeError: pass
[docs] @make_verbose('SpectrumPlot object iterating over samples', 'SpectrumPlot object finished iterating') def execute(self, thetas, wrapper): self._num_samples = thetas.shape[0] self._energies = self._signal.create_energy_array(self._rel_num_energies) if self._use_fgivenx: # determine which spectrum to compute contours for if self._show_attenuated: wrapped = wrapper(self, 'incident_sums') self._instruction_set = 1 # calculate expected unattenuated incident for i in range(self._num_samples): _ = wrapped(None, thetas[i,:]) # rewrap to reset the cache iterator wrapped = wrapper(self, 'attenuated_incident_sums') self._instruction_set = 0 else: wrapped = wrapper(self, 'incident_sums') self._instruction_set = 1 self._add_incident_contours(wrapped, thetas) self._instruction_set = 2 self._add_registered_contours(wrapper(self, 'registered_sums'), thetas) yield 'Added conditional posterior contours for incident spectrum.' if self._add_background: self._instruction_set = 3 wrapped = wrapper(self, 'background_sum') for i in range(self._num_samples): wrapped(None, thetas[i,:]) else: del self.instruction_set wrapped = wrapper(self, ['attenuated_incident_sums', 'incident_sums', 'registered_sums']) for i in range(self._num_samples): wrapped(None, thetas[i,:]) yield
[docs] def next(self): """ Update posterior expected signals given the updated signal. Plots signals if :mod:`fgivenx` is not used, otherwise returns callback information for :mod:`fgivenx`. .. note:: You cannot make an iterator from an instance of this class. """ try: self._instruction_set except AttributeError: if self._show_attenuated: signal = self._handle_attenuated_incident() self._add_signal(self._ax_incident, self._energies, signal, **self._sample_line_kwargs) signal = self._handle_incident() if not self._show_attenuated: self._add_signal(self._ax_incident, self._energies, signal, **self._sample_line_kwargs) signal = self._handle_registered() self._add_registered_spectrum(self._ax_registered_1d, signal, **self._sample_line_kwargs) if self._add_background: self._handle_background() # nothing to plot here else: if self._instruction_set == 0: return self._handle_attenuated_incident() # end execution here if self._instruction_set == 1: return self._handle_incident() if self._instruction_set == 2: return self._handle_registered() if self._instruction_set == 3: self._handle_background() # nothing to return return None # reached if not invoking fgivenx
def _handle_attenuated_incident(self): """ Instructions for handling the attenuated incident spectrum. """ ref = self._signal try: self._attenuated_incident_sums except AttributeError: self._attenuated_incident_sums = [None]*len(ref.incident_specific_flux_signals) attenuated_incident = None for i, component in enumerate(ref.incident_specific_flux_signals): temp = phase_integrator(1.0, _np.array([0.0,1.0]), component, ref.phases[i], 0.0) temp = energy_interpolator(1, # threads temp, _np.log10(ref.energies), _np.log10(self._energies)).reshape(-1) # requires a user implementation or will raise NotImplementedError ref.interstellar(self._energies, temp) try: attenuated_incident += temp except TypeError: attenuated_incident = temp try: self._attenuated_incident_sums[i] += temp except TypeError: self._attenuated_incident_sums[i] = temp.copy() return attenuated_incident @property def attenuated_incident_sums(self): return self._attenuated_incident_sums @attenuated_incident_sums.deleter def attenuated_incident_sums(self): try: del self._attenuated_incident_sums except AttributeError: pass @property def expected_attenuated_incident(self): """ Get the expectations of the incident (component) spectra. """ return [component/self._num_samples for component \ in self._attenuated_incident_sums] def _handle_incident(self): """ Instructions for handling the unattenuated incident spectrum. """ ref = self._signal try: self._incident_sums except AttributeError: self._incident_sums = [None] * len(ref.incident_specific_flux_signals) incident = None for i, component in enumerate(ref.incident_specific_flux_signals): temp = phase_integrator(1.0, _np.array([0.0,1.0]), component, ref.phases[i], 0.0) temp = energy_interpolator(1, # threads temp, _np.log10(ref.energies), _np.log10(self._energies)).reshape(-1) try: incident += temp except TypeError: incident = temp try: self._incident_sums[i] += temp except TypeError: self._incident_sums[i] = temp.copy() return incident @property def incident_sums(self): return self._incident_sums @incident_sums.deleter def incident_sums(self): try: del self._incident_sums except AttributeError: pass @property def expected_incident(self): """ Get the expectations of the incident (component) spectra. """ return [component/self._num_samples for component in self._incident_sums] def _handle_registered(self): """ Instructions for handling the registered spectrum. """ ref = self._signal try: self._registered_sums except AttributeError: self._registered_sums = [None] * len(ref.signals) registered = None for i, component in enumerate(ref.signals): temp = phase_integrator(1.0, _np.array([0.0,1.0]), component, ref.phases[i], 0.0).reshape(-1) try: registered += temp except TypeError: registered = temp try: self._registered_sums[i] += component except TypeError: self._registered_sums[i] = component return registered @property def registered_sums(self): return self._registered_sums @registered_sums.deleter def registered_sums(self): try: del self._registered_sums except AttributeError: pass @property def expected_registered(self): """ Get the expectations of the registered count-rate spectra. """ return [component/self._num_samples for component in self._registered_sums] def _handle_background(self): """ Instructions for handling the background spectrum. """ ref = self._signal try: self._background_sum except AttributeError: self._background_sum = None background = ref.background_signal try: self._background_sum += background except TypeError: self._background_sum = background return None @property def background_sum(self): return self._background_sum @background_sum.deleter def background_sum(self): try: del self._background_sum except AttributeError: pass @property def expected_background(self): """ Get the expectation of the background count-rate spectrum. """ mean = self._background_sum/self._num_samples # transform to count rate signal, assuming background signal # is in units of counts; subclass and overwrite if you want to change return mean/
[docs] @make_verbose('SpectrumPlot object finalizing', 'SpectrumPlot object finalized') def finalize(self): """ Execute final instructions. """ ref = self._signal self._plot_components = self._show_components and ref.num_components > 1 # add the incident signals if self._plot_truth: self._add_true_incident_signals() self._add_expected_incident_signals() # add the registered signals if self._plot_truth: self._add_true_registered_signals() self._add_expected_registered_signals()
def _add_true_incident_signals(self): """ Render ground truth incident (component) signals. """ ref = self._signal total = None for component, phases in zip(ref.incident_specific_flux_signals, ref.phases): temp = phase_integrator(1.0, _np.array([0.0,1.0]), component, phases, 0.0) temp = energy_interpolator(1, # threads temp, _np.log10(ref.energies), _np.log10(self._energies)).reshape(-1) if self._show_attenuated: ref.interstellar(self._energies, temp) try: total += temp except TypeError: total = temp if self._plot_components: self._add_signal(self._ax_incident, self._energies, temp, **self._comp_truth_line_kwargs) self._add_signal(self._ax_incident, self._energies, total, **self._truth_line_kwargs) def _add_expected_incident_signals(self): """ Render posterior-expected incident (component) signals. """ ax = self._ax_incident view_y_bottom = ax.yaxis.get_view_interval()[0] ref = self._signal total = None for component in self.expected_incident: try: total += component except TypeError: total = component if self._plot_components: self._add_signal(ax, self._energies, component, **self._comp_expectation_line_kwargs) self._add_signal(ax, self._energies, total, **self._expectation_line_kwargs) if self._show_attenuated: total = None for component in self.expected_attenuated_incident: try: total += component except TypeError: total = component if self._plot_components: self._add_signal(ax, self._energies, component, **self._comp_expectation_line_kwargs) self._add_signal(ax, self._energies, total, **self._expectation_line_kwargs) ax.set_ylim(bottom = view_y_bottom) ax.set_xlim([self._signal.energy_edges[0], self._signal.energy_edges[-1]]) locmaj = LogLocator(base=10.0, numticks=100) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(locmaj) locmin = LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=_np.arange(2,10)*0.1, numticks=100) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(locmin) ax.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(NullFormatter()) def _add_true_registered_signals(self): """ Render ground truth registered (component) signals. """ ref = self._signal#s total = None for component, phases in zip(ref.signals, ref.phases): temp = phase_integrator(1.0, _np.array([0.0,1.0]), component, phases, 0.0).reshape(-1) try: total += temp except TypeError: total = temp if self._plot_components: self._add_registered_spectrum(self._ax_registered_1d, temp, **self._comp_truth_line_kwargs) self._add_registered_spectrum(self._ax_registered_1d, total, **self._truth_line_kwargs) if self._add_background: # another line including the background total += ref.background_signal self._add_registered_spectrum(self._ax_registered_1d, total, **self._background_line_kwargs) def _add_expected_registered_signals(self): """ Render posterior-expected registered (component) signals. """ ref = self._signal total = None for component, phases in zip(self.expected_registered, ref.phases): temp = phase_integrator(1.0, _np.array([0.0,1.0]), component, phases, 0.0).reshape(-1) try: total += temp except TypeError: total = temp if self._plot_components: self._add_registered_spectrum(self._ax_registered_1d, temp, **self._comp_expectation_line_kwargs) # 1D self._add_registered_spectrum(self._ax_registered_1d, total, **self._expectation_line_kwargs) if self._add_background: # another line including the background total += self.expected_background self._add_registered_spectrum(self._ax_registered_1d, total, **self._background_line_kwargs) ax = self._ax_registered_1d ax.set_xlim([[0],[-1]]) locmaj = LogLocator(base=10.0, numticks=100) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(locmaj) locmin = LogLocator(base=10.0, subs=_np.arange(2,10)*0.1, numticks=100) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(locmin) ax.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(NullFormatter()) # 2D total = None for component, shift, phases in zip(self.expected_registered, ref.shifts, ref.phases): temp = interp(self._phases, phases, component, shift) try: total += temp except TypeError: total = temp if self._add_background: # add expectated background for i in range(total.shape[1]): total[:,i] += self.expected_background registered = self._ax_registered.pcolormesh(, self._phases, total.T, # channel number as x-axis cmap = cm.get_cmap(self._registered_cmap), linewidth = 0, rasterized = self._rasterized) registered.set_edgecolor('face') self._ax_registered.set_xlim([[0],[-1]]) self._registered_cb = plt.colorbar(registered, cax=self._ax_registered_cb, ticks=_get_default_locator(None), format=_get_default_formatter()) self._registered_cb.set_label(label=r'counts/s', labelpad=15) def _add_registered_spectrum(self, ax, spectrum, **kwargs): """ Add registered spectrum line as a function of channel number. """ if not kwargs: kwargs.update(dict(color='k', linestyle='-', lw=0.05, alpha=1.0)) elif 'ls' in kwargs: kwargs['linestyle'] = kwargs.pop('ls') ax.step(, spectrum, where='mid', **kwargs) @make_verbose('Adding credible intervals on the incident specific photon ' 'flux spectrum', 'Credible intervals added') def _add_incident_contours(self, callback, thetas): """ Add contours to 1D incident specific flux spectrum axes objects. """ self._add_contours(callback, thetas, self._energies, self._ax_incident, self._ax_incident_cb, **self._incident_contour_kwargs) label = r'$\pi(\mathrm{photons/keV/cm}^{2}\mathrm{/s};E)$' self._ax_incident_cb.set_ylabel(label) @make_verbose('Adding credible intervals on the count-rate spectrum', 'Credible intervals added') def _add_registered_contours(self, callback, thetas): """ Add contours to 1D count-rate spectrum axes objects. """ self._add_contours(callback, thetas,, self._ax_registered_1d, self._ax_registered_1d_cb, **self._registered_contour_kwargs) self._ax_registered_1d_cb.set_ylabel(r'$\pi(\mathrm{counts/s};\mathrm{channel})$')