Source code for xpsi.PostProcessing._residual

from __future__ import division

from ._global_imports import *

from ._signalplot import SignalPlot

[docs]class ResidualPlot(SignalPlot): """ Plot the count data, the posterior-expected count signal, and residuals. The figure contains three panels which share phase as an x-axis: * the top panel displays the data count numbers in joint channel-phase intervals, identically split over two rotational phase cycles; * the center panel displays the posterior-expected count signal over joint channel-phase intervals; * the bottom panel displays the standardised residuals between the data and posterior-expected count signal over joint channel-phase intervals. The following example is (improved) from :ref:`R19`: .. image:: _static/_residualplot.png :param str data_cmap: Colormap name from :mod:`matplotlib` to use for the data count numbers over joint channel-phase intervals. :param str model_cmap: Colormap name from :mod:`matplotlib` to use for the posterior-expected count numbers over joint channel-phase intervals. :param str residual_cmap: Colormap name from :mod:`matplotlib` to use for the residuals between the data and posterior-expected count numbers over joint channel-phase intervals. A diverging colormap is recommended. """ __figtype__ = 'signalplot_residuals' # do not change at runtime (see base class comments): __caching_targets__ = ['expected_counts'] __rows__ = 3 __columns__ = 1 __ax_rows__ = 3 __ax_columns__ = 2 __height_ratios__ = [1]*3 __width_ratios__ = [50, 1] # second column for colorbars __wspace__ = 0.025 __hspace__ = 0.125 @make_verbose('Instantiating a residual plotter for posterior checking', 'Residual plotter instantiated') def __init__(self, data_cmap='inferno', model_cmap='inferno', residual_cmap='PuOr', **kwargs): super(ResidualPlot, self).__init__(**kwargs) self._data_cmap = data_cmap self._model_cmap = model_cmap self._residual_cmap = residual_cmap self._get_figure() self._ax_data = self._add_subplot(0,0) self._ax_data_cb = self._add_subplot(0,1) self._ax_model = self._add_subplot(1,0) self._ax_model_cb = self._add_subplot(1,1) self._ax_resid = self._add_subplot(2,0) self._ax_resid_cb = self._add_subplot(2,1) self._ax_resid.set_xlabel('$\phi$ [cycles]') for ax in (self._ax_data, self._ax_model): ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelbottom=False) for ax in (self._ax_data, self._ax_model, self._ax_resid): ax.set_ylabel('channel') ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(MultipleLocator(0.2)) ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(MultipleLocator(0.05)) ax.set_xlim([0.0,2.0]) plt.close()
[docs] @make_verbose('ResidualPlot object iterating over samples', 'ResidualPlot object finished iterating') def execute(self, thetas, wrapper): """ Loop over posterior samples. """ self._num_samples = thetas.shape[0] wrapped = wrapper(self, 'model_sum') for i in range(self._num_samples): wrapped(None, thetas[i,:])
[docs] def next(self): """ Update posterior expected model given the updated signal. .. note:: You cannot make an iterator from an instance of this class. """ try: self._model_sum except AttributeError: self._model_sum = self._signal.expected_counts.copy() else: self._model_sum += self._signal.expected_counts
@property def model_sum(self): """ Get the current posterior sum of the count numbers. """ return self._model_sum @model_sum.deleter def model_sum(self): del self._model_sum @property def expected_counts(self): """ Get the estimated posterior expectation of the count numbers. """ return self._model_sum / self._num_samples
[docs] @make_verbose('ResidualPlot object finalizing', 'ResidualPlot object finalized') def finalize(self): self._add_data() self._add_expected_counts() self._add_residuals()
def _set_vminmax(self): """ Compute minimum and maximum for data and model colorbars. """ self._vmin = min(_np.min(self.expected_counts/2.0), _np.min( self._vmax = max(_np.max(self.expected_counts/2.0), _np.max( def _add_data(self): """ Display data in topmost panel. """ try: self._vmin except AttributeError: self._set_vminmax() data = self._ax_data.pcolormesh(,,, cmap = cm.get_cmap(self._data_cmap), vmin = self._vmin, vmax = self._vmax, linewidth = 0, rasterized = self._rasterized) data.set_edgecolor('face') data = self._ax_data.pcolormesh( + 1.0,,, cmap = cm.get_cmap(self._data_cmap), vmin = self._vmin, vmax = self._vmax, linewidth = 0, rasterized = self._rasterized) data.set_edgecolor('face') self._ax_data.set_ylim([[0],[-1]]) self._ax_data.set_yscale('log') self._data_cb = plt.colorbar(data, cax=self._ax_data_cb, ticks=_get_default_locator(None), format=_get_default_formatter()) self._data_cb.set_label(label=r'counts', labelpad=15) def _add_expected_counts(self): """ Display posterior expectation of model in second panel. """ try: self._vmin except AttributeError: self._set_vminmax() model = self._ax_model.pcolormesh(,, self.expected_counts/2.0, cmap = cm.get_cmap(self._model_cmap), vmin = self._vmin, vmax = self._vmax, linewidth = 0, rasterized = self._rasterized) model.set_edgecolor('face') model = self._ax_model.pcolormesh( + 1.0,, self.expected_counts/2.0, cmap = cm.get_cmap(self._model_cmap), vmin = self._vmin, vmax = self._vmax, linewidth = 0, rasterized = self._rasterized) model.set_edgecolor('face') self._ax_model.set_ylim([[0],[-1]]) self._ax_model.set_yscale('log') self._model_cb = plt.colorbar(model, cax=self._ax_model_cb, ticks=_get_default_locator(None), format=_get_default_formatter()) self._model_cb.set_label(label=r'counts', labelpad=15) def _add_residuals(self): """ Display the residuals in the third panel. """ self._residuals = self.expected_counts - self._residuals /= _np.sqrt(self.expected_counts) vmax = _np.max( _np.abs( self._residuals ) ) resid = self._ax_resid.pcolormesh(,, self._residuals, cmap = cm.get_cmap(self._residual_cmap), vmin = -vmax, vmax = vmax, linewidth = 0, rasterized = self._rasterized) resid.set_edgecolor('face') resid = self._ax_resid.pcolormesh( + 1.0,, _np.abs(self._residuals), cmap = cm.get_cmap(self._residual_cmap), vmin = -vmax, vmax = vmax, linewidth = 0, rasterized = self._rasterized) resid.set_edgecolor('face') self._ax_resid.axvline(1.0, lw=self._tick_width, color='k') self._ax_resid.set_ylim([[0],[-1]]) self._ax_resid.set_yscale('log') self._resid_cb = plt.colorbar(resid, cax = self._ax_resid_cb, ticks=AutoLocator()) self._resid_cb.set_label(label=r'$(c_{ik}-d_{ik})/\sqrt{c_{ik}}$', labelpad=15)