Source code for xpsi.HotRegion

from __future__ import division, print_function

from .global_imports import *
from . import global_imports

from .cellmesh.mesh_tools import allocate_cells as _allocate_cells
from .cellmesh.mesh import construct_spot_cellMesh as _construct_spot_cellMesh
from .cellmesh.polar_mesh import construct_polar_cellMesh as _construct_polar_cellMesh
from .cellmesh.rays import compute_rays as _compute_rays

from .Parameter import Parameter, Derive
from .ParameterSubspace import ParameterSubspace

[docs]class RayError(xpsiError): """ Raised if a problem was encountered during ray integration. """
[docs]class PulseError(xpsiError): """ Raised if a problem was encountered during signal integration. """
[docs]class HotRegion(ParameterSubspace): """ A photospheric hot region that is contiguously radiating. Instances of this class can take the following forms: * a circular, simply-connected region; * a ceding region with a non-radiating superseding region; * a ceding region with a radiating superseding region. For the first option, set ``omit=False`` and ``cede=False``. For the third option, set ``omit=False`` and ``cede=True``. For the second option, set ``omit=True`` and ``cede=False``. Yes, this is counter-intuitive. These settings produce a superseding region with a non-radiating omission region, which is *equivalent* to a ceding region with a non-radiating superseding region. The *omission* region may not strictly always be a hole, because it behaves as a superseding region that does not radiate. A superseding region can exist partially outside its relative ceding region, so the non-superseded subset of the ceding region is then simply-connected (i.e., does not have a hole). .. note:: Setting ``omit=True`` and ``cede=True`` ignores the omission setting. The ``concentric`` setting defines whether the superseding region is concentric with the ceding region or a omission region, supposing either ``omit=True`` or ``cede=True``. These helper settings simply set up the *optional* parameter definitions so you do not have to do so more manually by providing keys-value pairs in the ``bounds`` and ``values`` dictionaries (see below). :param dict bounds: Hard prior parameter bounds for the free parameters. The dictionary keys must match the required parameter names, at least. If a required name is omitted as a key, the parameter is interpreted as *fixed* or *derived*. A key-value pair can take the following forms: * ``'name': None`` * ``'name': (None, None)``, ``(None, x)``, ``(x, None)`` * ``'name': (x, y)`` where if a bound is ``None`` that bound is set equal to a strict hard-coded bound. We note that the bounds for parameters used in the atmosphere model should be restricted (by the user) to be within the tabulated values, in case a numerical atmosphere extension is used. :param dict values: Initial values of *free* parameters, fixed values of *fixed* parameters, and callables for *derived* parameters. If a key is omitted for a free parameter, the initial value is ``None`` by default. A key cannot be omitted for a required name that appears in the ``bounds`` dictionary with value ``None``, or a required name that is omitted from the bounds dictionary. :param bool symmetry: Is the radiation field axisymmetric (w.r.t the stellar rotation axis) within superseding (and ceding) member regions? This determines which ``CellMesh`` integrator to deploy based on this safety check. :param int sqrt_num_cells: Number of cells in both colatitude and azimuth which form a regular mesh over a subset of the surface spanning a hot region. This is the square-root of the approximate number of cells whose centres should lie within a hot region. The total number of cells is approximately the square of this argument value. The mesh suffers from squeezing in the polar regions, leading to a high degree of non-congruence in cell shape for meshes that extend from a polar region to the equatorial region. :param min_sqrt_num_cells: Sets the minimum number of cells per *subregion*, discretised to the same degree in colatitude and azimuth. This setting has an effect only when the hot region has two temperature components, in the form of a superseding region and a ceding region. :param max_sqrt_num_cells: Sets the maximum number of cells per *subregion*, discretised to the same degree in colatitude and azimuth. This setting has an effect even when there is only one temperature component. :param num_rays: Number of rays to trace (integrate) at each colatitude, distributed in angle subtended between ray tangent 4-vector and radial outward unit vector w.r.t a local orthonormal tetrad. :param int num_leaves: Number of leaves mesh motion is discretised into. :param int num_phases: Number of phases in a discrete representation of the specific flux pulses on the interval :math:`[0,1]`. :param phases: If not ``None``, a :class:`numpy.ndarray` of phases for a discrete representation of the specific flux pulses on the interval :math:`[0,1]`. If ``None`` (default), the :obj:`num_phases` argument is utilised. :param bool do_fast: Activate fast precomputation to guide cell distribution between two radiating regions at distinct temperatures. .. note:: For each of the resolution parameters listed above, there is a corresponding parameter whose value is respected if the fast precomputation mode is activated. :param bool is_antiphased: If ``True``, shifts the cell mesh by :math:`\pi` radians about the stellar rotation axis for pulse integration. This is merely a choice that can be made, and is not crucial. Note that the (fast) phase-shifting applied near the end of the likelihood evaluation is related to this choice and thus phase-shift parameter prior support can be chosen accordingly. If ``False``, the hot region at phase zero is aligned with the observer meridian. If ``True``, the hot region at phase zero is aligned with the meridian on which the observer's antipode lies. Alignment also depends on the structure of the hot region. As a rule, if the hot region has a superseding region (*superseding* region or an *omission* region) then the centre of that region is the point that is *aligned* to a meridian. :param bool is_secondary: Deprecated. You can use or the ``is_antiphased`` keyword argument instead, which has precisely the same effect. .. note:: The parameters are as follows: + super colatitude + super angular radius + cede *or* omit colatitude + cede *or* omit angular radius + cede *or* omit relative azimuth + parameters controlling the local comoving radiation field over the photospheric 2-surface (entirely the user's responsibility unless defaulting with ``custom is None``. If the ceding region or the omission region are concentric with the superseding region, the colatitude and relative azimuth of the ceding region or omission region are not parameters. These bounds might not be actually used, depending the user's implementation of the joint prior, and the user can in that case specify ``(None,None)`` for bounds pertaining to the ceding region or the omission region. These bounds will be set to strict bounds, and the user can implement more complicated prior support boundaries in a :class:`~.Prior.Prior` subclass instance. :param iterable custom: Iterable over :class:`~.Parameter.Parameter` instances. If you supply custom parameter definitions, you need to overwrite the :func:`~.HotRegion.HotRegion.__compute_cellParamVecs` method to handle your custom behaviour. This custom behaviour can only target the radiation field within the hot regions as defined above. :param int image_order_limit: The highest-order image to sum over. A value of *one* means primary images only (deflections :math:`<\pi`) whilst a value of *two* means primary and secondary images (deflections :math:`<2pi`) where visible, and so on. If ``None`` (the default), there is no hard limit. In this case the limit is determined quasi-naturally for each mesh element, meaning that images will be summed over until higher order images are not visible or the visibility limit is truncated due to lack of numerical precision (e.g. for rays that orbit very close to the Schwarzschild photon sphere three times or more). Higher-order images generally contribute less and less due to geometric projection effects (higher-order images become more tangential), and the images of elements get squeezed in solid angle at the stellar limb. In principle, effects such as relativistic beaming can counter this effect to a degree for certain source-receiver configurations, by increasing brightness whilst solid angle decreases, and thus the flux contribution relative to that from a primary image can be greater than suggested simply by geometric project effects. Nevertheless, inclusion of these images is more computationally expensive. If, when iterating through image orders, an image is not visible because the deflection required is greater than the highest deflection permitted at a given colatitude on a surface (accounting for the surface tilt due to rotation), then the iteration over image orders terminates. """ required_names = ['super_colatitude', 'super_radius', 'phase_shift', 'super_temperature (if no custom specification)'] optional_names = ['omit_colatitude', 'omit_radius', 'omit_azimuth', 'cede_colatitude', 'cede_radius', 'cede_azimuth', 'cede_temperature'] def __init__(self, bounds, values, symmetry = True, omit = False, cede = False, concentric = False, sqrt_num_cells = 32, min_sqrt_num_cells = 10, max_sqrt_num_cells = 80, num_rays = 200, num_leaves = 64, num_phases = None, phases = None, do_fast = False, fast_sqrt_num_cells = 16, fast_min_sqrt_num_cells = 4, fast_max_sqrt_num_cells = 16, fast_num_rays = 100, fast_num_leaves = 32, fast_num_phases = None, fast_phases = None, is_antiphased = False, custom = None, image_order_limit = None, **kwargs): self.is_antiphased = kwargs.get('is_secondary', is_antiphased) self.do_fast = do_fast self.set_num_rays(num_rays, fast_num_rays) self.set_num_cells(sqrt_num_cells, min_sqrt_num_cells, max_sqrt_num_cells, fast_sqrt_num_cells, fast_min_sqrt_num_cells, fast_max_sqrt_num_cells) self.set_phases(num_leaves, num_phases, phases, fast_num_leaves, fast_num_phases, fast_phases) self.image_order_limit = image_order_limit self.symmetry = symmetry # first the parameters that are fundemental to this class doc = """ The colatitude of the centre of the superseding region [radians]. """ super_colat = Parameter('super_colatitude', strict_bounds = (0.0, _pi), bounds = bounds.get('super_colatitude', None), doc = doc, symbol = r'$\theta$', value = values.get('super_colatitude', None)) doc = """ The angular radius of the (circular) superseding region [radians]. """ super_radius = Parameter('super_radius', strict_bounds = (0.0, _pi/2.0), bounds = bounds.get('super_radius', None), doc = doc, symbol = r'$\psi$', value = values.get('super_radius', None)) doc = """ The phase of the hot region, a periodic parameter [cycles]. """ phase_value = values.get('phase_shift', None) phase_bounds = bounds.get('phase_shift', None) if phase_value is None: if not phase_bounds or None in phase_bounds: raise ValueError('Phase-shift bounds must be specified.') elif _np.array([not _np.isfinite(b) for b in phase_bounds]).any(): raise ValueError('Phase-shift bounds must be finite.') elif not (0.0 <= (phase_bounds[1] - phase_bounds[0]) <= 1.0): raise ValueError('Phase bounds must be separated by ' 'a maximum of one cycle.') phase_shift = Parameter('phase_shift', strict_bounds = (-_np.infty, _np.infty), bounds = phase_bounds, doc = doc, symbol = r'$\phi$', value = phase_value) self.cede = cede # takes precedence below over omission setting self.omit = omit self.concentric = concentric # helper callable class BindMe(Derive): def __init__(self): pass def __call__(self, boundto, caller): return caller['super_colatitude'] bindme = BindMe() # to parameter instances # to deactivate printing of parameter information if that parameter # is initialised but deactivated no_verb = {} if not self.cede: # means just super region, possibly with omission bounds['cede_radius'] = None values['cede_radius'] = 0.0 no_verb['cede_radius'] = True bounds['cede_colatitude'] = None values['cede_colatitude'] = bindme no_verb['cede_colatitude'] = True bounds['cede_azimuth'] = None values['cede_azimuth'] = 0.0 no_verb['cede_azimuth'] = True if not self.omit: # else take free settings from input bounds['omit_radius'] = None values['omit_radius'] = 0.0 no_verb['omit_radius'] = True if self.concentric or not self.omit: bounds['omit_colatitude'] = None values['omit_colatitude'] = bindme no_verb['omit_colatitude'] = True bounds['omit_azimuth'] = None values['omit_azimuth'] = 0.0 no_verb['omit_azimuth'] = True else: # means super + cede regions, no omission if self.concentric: bounds['cede_colatitude'] = None values['cede_colatitude'] = bindme no_verb['cede_colatitude'] = True bounds['cede_azimuth'] = None values['cede_azimuth'] = 0.0 no_verb['cede_azimuth'] = True bounds['omit_radius'] = None values['omit_radius'] = 0.0 no_verb['omit_radius'] = True bounds['omit_colatitude'] = None values['omit_colatitude'] = bindme no_verb['omit_colatitude'] = True bounds['omit_azimuth'] = None values['omit_azimuth'] = 0.0 no_verb['omit_azimuth'] = True doc = """ The colatitude of the centre of the omission region [radians]. """ omit_colat = Parameter('omit_colatitude', strict_bounds = (0.0, _pi), bounds = bounds.get('omit_colatitude', None), doc = doc, symbol = r'$\upsilon$', value = values.get('omit_colatitude', None), deactivate_verbosity = no_verb.get('omit_colatitude', False)) doc = """ The angular radius of the (circular) omission region [radians]. """ omit_radius = Parameter('omit_radius', strict_bounds = (0.0, _pi/2.0), bounds = bounds.get('omit_radius', None), doc = doc, symbol = r'$\Delta$', value = values.get('omit_radius', None), deactivate_verbosity = no_verb.get('omit_radius', False)) doc = """ The azimuth of the centre of the omission region relative to the centre of the superseding region [radians]. """ omit_azi = Parameter('omit_azimuth', strict_bounds = (-_pi, _pi), bounds = bounds.get('omit_azimuth', None), doc = doc, symbol = r'$\Phi$', value = values.get('omit_azimuth', None), deactivate_verbosity = no_verb.get('omit_azimuth', False)) doc = """ The colatitude of the centre of the ceding region [radians]. """ cede_colat = Parameter('cede_colatitude', strict_bounds = (0.0, _pi), bounds = bounds.get('cede_colatitude', None), doc = doc, symbol = r'$\Theta$', value = values.get('cede_colatitude', None), deactivate_verbosity = no_verb.get('cede_colatitude', False)) doc = """ The angular radius of the (circular) ceding region [radians]. """ cede_radius = Parameter('cede_radius', strict_bounds = (0.0, _pi/2.0), bounds = bounds.get('cede_radius', None), doc = doc, symbol = r'$\zeta$', value = values.get('cede_radius', None), deactivate_verbosity = no_verb.get('cede_radius', False)) doc = """ The azimuth of the centre of the ceding region relative to the centre of the superseding region [radians]. """ cede_azi = Parameter('cede_azimuth', strict_bounds = (-_pi, _pi), bounds = bounds.get('cede_azimuth', None), doc = doc, symbol = r'$\Phi$', value = values.get('cede_azimuth', None), deactivate_verbosity = no_verb.get('cede_azimuth', False)) if not custom: # setup default temperature parameters doc = """ log10(superseding region effective temperature [K]) """ super_temp = Parameter('super_temperature', strict_bounds = (3.0, 7.6), # very cold --> very hot bounds = bounds.get('super_temperature', None), doc = doc, symbol = r'$\log_{10}(T\;[\rm{K}])$', value = values.get('super_temperature', None)) if cede: doc = """ log10(ceding region effective temperature [K]) """ cede_temp = Parameter('cede_temperature', strict_bounds = (3.0, 7.6), # same story bounds = bounds.get('cede_temperature', None), doc = doc, symbol = r'$\log_{10}(\mathcal{T}\;[\rm{K}])$', value = values.get('cede_temperature', None)) else: cede_temp = None else: # let the custom subclass handle definitions; ignore bounds super_temp = cede_temp = None super(HotRegion, self).__init__(phase_shift, super_colat, super_radius, super_temp, cede_colat, cede_radius, cede_azi, cede_temp, omit_colat, omit_radius, omit_azi, custom, **kwargs) # prefix in kwargs @property def objects(self): """ Return self for uniform interface with other classes. """ return [self] @property def symmetry(self): """ Get the symmetry declaration (controls integrator invocation). """ return self._symmetry @symmetry.setter def symmetry(self, declaration): if not isinstance(declaration, bool): raise TypeError('Declare symmetry existence with a boolean.') self._symmetry = declaration # find the required integrator if declaration: # can we safely assume azimuthal invariance? from .cellmesh.integrator_for_azimuthal_invariance import integrate as _integrator else: # more general purpose from .cellmesh.integrator import integrate as _integrator self._integrator = _integrator @property def integrator(self): """ Get the integrator to be invoked. """ return self._integrator def set_num_rays(self, num_rays, fast_num_rays): self.num_rays = num_rays self._fast_num_rays = fast_num_rays @property def num_rays(self): """ Get the number of rays integrated per parallel. """ return self._num_rays @num_rays.setter def num_rays(self, n): """ Set the number of rays integrated per parallel. """ try: self._num_rays = int(n) except TypeError: raise TypeError('Number of rays must be an integer.') @property def image_order_limit(self): """ Get the image order limit. """ return self._image_order_limit @image_order_limit.setter def image_order_limit(self, limit): """ Set the image order limit. """ if limit is not None: if not isinstance(limit, int): raise TypeError('Image order limit must be an positive integer ' 'if not None.') self._image_order_limit = limit def set_num_cells(self, sqrt_num_cells = 32, min_sqrt_num_cells = 10, max_sqrt_num_cells = 80, fast_sqrt_num_cells = 16, fast_min_sqrt_num_cells = 4, fast_max_sqrt_num_cells = 16): self.sqrt_num_cells = sqrt_num_cells self._num_cells = int(self.sqrt_num_cells**2) self._min_sqrt_num_cells = int(min_sqrt_num_cells) self._max_sqrt_num_cells = int(max_sqrt_num_cells) assert self._min_sqrt_num_cells <= self._max_sqrt_num_cells,\ ('Minimum number of cells must be less than or equal to ' 'maximum number of cells.') self._fast_num_cells = int(fast_sqrt_num_cells**2) self._fast_min_sqrt_num_cells = int(fast_min_sqrt_num_cells) self._fast_max_sqrt_num_cells = int(fast_max_sqrt_num_cells) assert self._fast_min_sqrt_num_cells <= self._fast_max_sqrt_num_cells,\ ('Minimum number of cells must be less than or equal to ' 'maximum number of cells.') @property def sqrt_num_cells(self): """ Get the number of cell parallels. """ return self._sqrt_num_cells @sqrt_num_cells.setter def sqrt_num_cells(self, n): """ Set the number of cell parallels. """ try: _n = int(n) except TypeError: raise TypeError('Number of cells must be an integer.') else: if not _n >= 4: raise ValueError('Number of cells must be a positive integer ' 'greater than for equal to four.') self._sqrt_num_cells = _n @property def leaves(self): """ Get the leaves of the photospheric foliation. """ return self._leaves @property def phases(self): """ Get the leaves of the photospheric foliation. """ return self._phases
[docs] def set_phases(self, num_leaves, num_phases = None, phases = None, fast_num_leaves = None, fast_num_phases = None, fast_phases = None): """ Construct the set of interpolation phases and foliation leaves. :param int num_leaves: Number of leaves mesh motion is discretised into. :param int num_phases: Number of phases in a discrete representation of the specific flux pulses on the interval :math:`[0,1]`. If ``None``, the number of phases interpolated at is set equal to the number of leaves. :param phases: If not ``None``, a :class:`numpy.ndarray` of phases for a discrete representation of the specific flux pulses on the interval :math:`[0,1]`. If ``None`` (default), the :obj:`num_phases` argument is utilised. """ if num_phases is None: num_phases = num_leaves if phases is None: try: self._phases_cycles = _np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, int(num_phases)) except TypeError: raise TypeError('Number of phases must be an integer.') else: try: assert isinstance(phases, _np.ndarray) assert phases.ndim == 1 assert (phases >= 0.0).all() & (phases <= 1.0).all() for i in range(phases.shape[0] - 1): assert phases[i] < phases[i+1] except AssertionError: raise TypeError('Phases must be a one-dimensional ' '``numpy.ndarray`` with monotonically ' 'increasing elements on the interval [0,1].') else: self._phases_cycles = phases self._phases = _2pi * self._phases_cycles try: self._leaves = _np.linspace(0.0, _2pi, int(num_leaves)) except TypeError: raise TypeError('Number of leaves must be an integer.') if self.do_fast: if fast_num_phases is None: fast_num_phases = fast_num_leaves if fast_phases is None: try: self._fast_phases_cycles = _np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, int(fast_num_phases)) except TypeError: raise TypeError('Number of phases must be an integer.') else: try: assert isinstance(fast_phases, _np.ndarray) assert fast_phases.ndim == 1 assert (fast_phases >= 0.0).all() & (fast_phases <= 1.0).all() for i in range(fast_phases.shape[0] - 1): assert fast_phases[i] < fast_phases[i+1] except AssertionError: raise TypeError('Phases must be a one-dimensional ' '``numpy.ndarray`` with monotonically ' 'increasing elements on the interval [0,1].') else: self._fast_phases_cycles = fast_phases self._fast_phases = _2pi * self._fast_phases_cycles try: self._fast_leaves = _np.linspace(0.0, _2pi, int(fast_num_leaves)) except TypeError: raise TypeError('Number of leaves must be an integer.')
@property def phases_in_cycles(self): """ Get the phases (in cycles) the pulse is interpolated at. """ return self._phases_cycles @property def fast_phases_in_cycles(self): return self._fast_phases_cycles @property def num_cells(self): """ Get the total number of cells in the mesh. """ return self._num_cells @property def is_secondary(self): """ Shift the hot region by half a rotational cycle? Deprecated. """ return self._is_antiphased @is_secondary.setter def is_secondary(self, is_secondary): if not isinstance(is_antiphased, bool): raise TypeError('Use a boolean to specify whether or not the ' 'hot region should be shifted by half a cycle.') else: self._is_antiphased = is_antiphased @property def is_antiphased(self): """ Shift the hot region by half a rotational cycle? """ return self._is_antiphased @is_antiphased.setter def is_antiphased(self, is_antiphased): if not isinstance(is_antiphased, bool): raise TypeError('Use a boolean to specify whether or not the ' 'hot region should be shifted by half a cycle.') else: self._is_antiphased = is_antiphased
[docs] def print_settings(self): """ Print numerical settings. """ print('Base number of cell parallels: ', self.sqrt_num_cells) print('Number of rays per parallel: ', self.num_rays) print('Number of photospheric leaves: ', len(self.leaves)) print('Number of interpolation phases: ', len(self.phases))
def __construct_cellMesh(self, st, fast_total_counts, threads): """ Call a low-level routine to construct a mesh representation. :param st: Instance of :class:`~.Spacetime.Spacetime`. :param int threads: Number of ``OpenMP`` threads for mesh construction. """ num_cells = self._fast_num_cells if self.fast_mode \ else self._num_cells min_sqrt_num_cells = self._fast_min_sqrt_num_cells if self.fast_mode \ else self._min_sqrt_num_cells max_sqrt_num_cells = self._fast_max_sqrt_num_cells if self.fast_mode \ else self._max_sqrt_num_cells (self._super_sqrt_num_cells, self._super_num_cells, self._cede_sqrt_num_cells, self._cede_num_cells) = _allocate_cells(num_cells, min_sqrt_num_cells, max_sqrt_num_cells, st.M, st.r_s, st.R, st.Omega, st.zeta, st.epsilon, self['super_radius'], self['cede_radius'], self['super_colatitude'], self['cede_colatitude'], -self['cede_azimuth'], self['omit_colatitude'], self['omit_radius'], self['omit_azimuth'], fast_total_counts) if (self['super_colatitude'] - self['super_radius'] < 0.0 or self['super_colatitude'] + self['super_radius'] > _pi): mesh_func = _construct_polar_cellMesh else: mesh_func = _construct_spot_cellMesh (self._super_theta, self._super_phi, self._super_r, self._super_cellArea, self._super_maxAlpha, self._super_cos_gamma, self._super_effGrav) = mesh_func(threads, self._super_num_cells, self._super_sqrt_num_cells, st.M, st.r_s, st.R, st.zeta, st.epsilon, self['super_radius'], self['super_colatitude'], self['omit_radius'], self['omit_colatitude'], self['omit_azimuth']) self._super_phi -= self['omit_azimuth'] if self._is_antiphased: self._super_phi += _pi if self['cede_radius'] > 0.0: if (self['cede_colatitude'] - self['cede_radius'] < 0.0 or self['cede_colatitude'] + self['cede_radius'] > _pi): mesh_func = _construct_polar_cellMesh else: mesh_func = _construct_spot_cellMesh (self._cede_theta, self._cede_phi, self._cede_r, self._cede_cellArea, self._cede_maxAlpha, self._cede_cos_gamma, self._cede_effGrav) = mesh_func(threads, self._cede_num_cells, self._cede_sqrt_num_cells, st.M, st.r_s, st.R, st.zeta, st.epsilon, self['cede_radius'], self['cede_colatitude'], self['super_radius'], self['super_colatitude'], -self['cede_azimuth']) self._cede_phi += self['cede_azimuth'] if self._is_antiphased: self._cede_phi += _pi @property def __cellArea(self): """ Get the areas of cells in the secondary-spot mesh. """ try: return (self._super_cellArea, self._cede_cellArea) except AttributeError: return (self._super_cellArea, None) def __calibrate_lag(self, st, photosphere): """ Calibrate lag for cell mesh and normalise by pulse period. """ R_i = st.R_r_s C = (1.0 / self._super_r_s_over_r - R_i) C += _log((1.0 / self._super_r_s_over_r - 1.0) / (R_i - 1.0)) C *= st.r_s / _c for j in range(self._super_lag.shape[1]): self._super_lag[:,j] -= C self._super_lag *= photosphere['mode_frequency'] * _2pi try: C = (1.0 / self._cede_r_s_over_r - R_i) except AttributeError: pass else: C += _log((1.0 / self._cede_r_s_over_r - 1.0) / (R_i - 1.0)) C *= st.r_s / _c for j in range(self._cede_lag.shape[1]): self._cede_lag[:,j] -= C self._cede_lag *= photosphere['mode_frequency'] * _2pi def __compute_rays(self, st, photosphere, threads): """ Integrate rays. These rays represent a null mapping from photosphere to a point at some effective infinity. :param st: Instance of :class:`~.Spacetime.Spacetime`. :param int threads: Number of ``OpenMP`` threads for ray integration. """ self._super_r_s_over_r = _contig(st.r_s / self._super_r, dtype = _np.double) num_rays = self._fast_num_rays if self.fast_mode else self._num_rays (terminate_calculation, self._super_deflection, self._super_cos_alpha, self._super_lag, self._super_maxDeflection) = _compute_rays(threads, self._super_sqrt_num_cells, st.r_s, self._super_r_s_over_r, self._super_maxAlpha, num_rays) if terminate_calculation == 1: raise RayError('Fatal numerical problem during ray integration.') try: self._cede_r_s_over_r = _contig(st.r_s / self._cede_r, dtype = _np.double) except AttributeError: pass else: (terminate_calculation, self._cede_deflection, self._cede_cos_alpha, self._cede_lag, self._cede_maxDeflection) = _compute_rays(threads, self._cede_sqrt_num_cells, st.r_s, self._cede_r_s_over_r, self._cede_maxAlpha, num_rays) if terminate_calculation == 1: raise RayError('Fatal numerical problem during ray integration.') self.__calibrate_lag(st, photosphere) def __compute_cellParamVecs(self): """ Precompute photospheric source radiation field parameter vectors cell-by-cell. Free model parameters and derived (fixed) variables can be transformed into local comoving radiation field variables. Subclass and overwrite with custom functionality if you desire. Designed here simply for uniform effective temperature superseding and ceding regions. """ self._super_radiates = _np.greater(self._super_cellArea, 0.0).astype(_np.int32) self._super_cellParamVecs = _np.ones((self._super_radiates.shape[0], self._super_radiates.shape[1], 2), dtype=_np.double) self._super_cellParamVecs[...,:-1] *= self['super_temperature'] for i in range(self._super_cellParamVecs.shape[1]): self._super_cellParamVecs[:,i,-1] *= self._super_effGrav try: self._cede_radiates = _np.greater(self._cede_cellArea, 0.0).astype(_np.int32) except AttributeError: pass else: self._cede_cellParamVecs = _np.ones((self._cede_radiates.shape[0], self._cede_radiates.shape[1], 2), dtype=_np.double) self._cede_cellParamVecs[...,:-1] *= self['cede_temperature'] for i in range(self._cede_cellParamVecs.shape[1]): self._cede_cellParamVecs[:,i,-1] *= self._cede_effGrav
[docs] @staticmethod def psi(theta, phi, colatitude): """ Coordinates of cell centres in rotated spherical coordinate system. Transformation is anticlockwise rotation about y-axis of Cartesian basis. """ return _arccos(_cos(colatitude) * _cos(theta) + _sin(colatitude) * _sin(theta) * _cos(phi))
[docs] def embed(self, spacetime, photosphere, fast_total_counts, threads, *args): """ Embed the hot region of the photosphere into the ambient spacetime. :param tuple args: Correct the integral over the radiation field *elsewhere* by accounting for the time-dependent component arising from the presence of the hot region. """ if self.fast_mode and not self.do_fast: return None elif not self.needs_update: # dynamically evaluate if stuff to do try: self._super_theta except AttributeError: pass else: return None # what about change in mesh and ray resolution? self.__construct_cellMesh(spacetime, fast_total_counts, threads) self.__compute_rays(spacetime, photosphere, threads) self.__compute_cellParamVecs() if args: self._super_correctionVecs = args[0](self._super_theta) for i in range(self._super_theta.shape[1]): self._super_correctionVecs[:,i,-1] *= self._super_effGrav try: self._cede_correctionVecs = args[0](self._cede_theta) except AttributeError: pass else: for i in range(self._cede_theta.shape[1]): self._cede_correctionVecs[:,i,-1] *= self._cede_effGrav else: self._super_correctionVecs = None self._cede_correctionVecs = None
@property def do_fast(self): return self._do_fast @do_fast.setter def do_fast(self, activate): self._do_fast = activate @property def fast_mode(self): return self._fast_mode @fast_mode.setter def fast_mode(self, activate): self._fast_mode = activate @property def cede(self): """ Does the hot region have a ceding member? """ return self._cede @cede.setter def cede(self, cede): if not isinstance(cede, bool): raise TypeError('A boolean is required to activate or deactivate ' 'the ceding region.') else: self._cede = cede @property def omit(self): """ Does the hot region defined through an omission region? """ return self._omit @omit.setter def omit(self, omit): if not isinstance(omit, bool): raise TypeError('A boolean is required to activate or deactivate ' 'the omission region.') else: self._omit = omit @property def concentric(self): """ Is the superseding region concentric with ceding member? If not, is the superseding region concentric with an omission member? """ return self._concentric @concentric.setter def concentric(self, concentric): if not isinstance(concentric, bool): raise TypeError('A boolean is required to activate or deactivate ' 'concentricity.') else: self._concentric = concentric
[docs] def integrate(self, st, energies, threads, hot_atmosphere, elsewhere_atmosphere): """ Integrate over the photospheric radiation field. Calls the CellMesh integrator, with or without exploitation of azimuthal invariance of the radiation field of the hot region. :param st: Instance of :class:`~.Spacetime.Spacetime`. :param energies: A one-dimensional :class:`numpy.ndarray` of energies in keV. :param int threads: Number of ``OpenMP`` threads for pulse integration. """ if self.fast_mode and not self.do_fast: try: if self.cede: return (None, None) except AttributeError: return (None,) leaves = self._fast_leaves if self.fast_mode else self._leaves phases = self._fast_phases if self.fast_mode else self._phases num_rays = self._fast_num_rays if self.fast_mode else self._num_rays if isinstance(energies, tuple): try: super_energies, cede_energies = energies except ValueError: super_energies = energies[0] try: self._cede_cellArea except AttributeError: pass else: cede_energies = super_energies else: super_energies = cede_energies = energies super_pulse = self._integrator(threads, st.R, st.Omega, st.r_s, st.i, self._super_cellArea, self._super_r, self._super_r_s_over_r, self._super_theta, self._super_phi, self._super_cellParamVecs, self._super_radiates, self._super_correctionVecs, num_rays, self._super_deflection, self._super_cos_alpha, self._super_lag, self._super_maxDeflection, self._super_cos_gamma, super_energies, leaves, phases, hot_atmosphere, elsewhere_atmosphere, self._image_order_limit) if super_pulse[0] == 1: raise PulseError('Fatal numerical error during superseding-' 'region pulse integration.') try: cede_pulse = self._integrator(threads, st.R, st.Omega, st.r_s, st.i, self._cede_cellArea, self._cede_r, self._cede_r_s_over_r, self._cede_theta, self._cede_phi, self._cede_cellParamVecs, self._cede_radiates, self._cede_correctionVecs, num_rays, self._cede_deflection, self._cede_cos_alpha, self._cede_lag, self._cede_maxDeflection, self._cede_cos_gamma, cede_energies, leaves, phases, hot_atmosphere, elsewhere_atmosphere, self._image_order_limit) except AttributeError: pass else: if cede_pulse[0] == 1: raise PulseError('Fatal numerical error during ceding-region ' 'pulse integration.') else: return (super_pulse[1], cede_pulse[1]) return (super_pulse[1],)