.. _surface_radiation_field: Surface radiation field ======================= .. automodule:: xpsi.surface_radiation_field Wrappers ^^^^^^^^ .. autofunction:: xpsi.surface_radiation_field.intensity .. autofunction:: xpsi.surface_radiation_field.intensity_from_globals .. autofunction:: xpsi.surface_radiation_field.effective_gravity .. _numerical_atmosphere: A numerical atmosphere ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following is a customized version of the template extension module ``hot.pyx`` for surface radiation field evaluation that may be found on path ``surface_radiation_field/archive/hot/numerical.pyx``. This extension works with numerical atmosphere preloading to execute cubic polynomial interpolation in four dimensions. .. code-block:: cython #cython: cdivision=True #cython: boundscheck=False #cython: nonecheck=False #cython: wraparound=False from libc.math cimport M_PI, sqrt, sin, cos, acos, log10, pow, exp, fabs from libc.stdio cimport printf, fopen, fclose, fread, FILE from GSL cimport gsl_isnan, gsl_isinf from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free from xpsi.global_imports import _keV, _k_B cdef int SUCCESS = 0 cdef int ERROR = 1 cdef double erg = 1.0e-7 cdef double k_B = _k_B cdef double keV = _keV cdef double k_B_over_keV = k_B / keV cdef int VERBOSE = 0 ctypedef struct ACCELERATE: size_t **BN # base node for interpolation double **node_vals double **SPACE double **DIFF double **INTENSITY_CACHE double **VEC_CACHE # Modify this struct if useful for the user-defined source radiation field. # Note that the members of DATA will be shared by all threads and are # statically allocated, whereas the members of ACCELERATE will point to # dynamically allocated memory, not shared by threads. ctypedef struct DATA: const _preloaded *p ACCELERATE acc #----------------------------------------------------------------------->>> # >>> User modifiable functions. # >>> Note that the user is entirely free to wrap thread-safe and # ... non-parallel external C routines from an external library. # >>> Thus the bodies of the following need not be written explicitly in # ... the Cython language. #----------------------------------------------------------------------->>> cdef void* init_hot(size_t numThreads, const _preloaded *const preloaded) nogil: # This function must match the free management routine free_hot() # in terms of freeing dynamically allocated memory. This is entirely # the user's responsibility to manage. # Return NULL if dynamic memory is not required for the model cdef DATA *D = malloc(sizeof(DATA)) D.p = preloaded D.p.BLOCKS[0] = 64 D.p.BLOCKS[1] = 16 D.p.BLOCKS[2] = 4 cdef size_t T, i, j, k, l D.acc.BN = malloc(numThreads * sizeof(size_t*)) D.acc.node_vals = malloc(numThreads * sizeof(double*)) D.acc.SPACE = malloc(numThreads * sizeof(double*)) D.acc.DIFF = malloc(numThreads * sizeof(double*)) D.acc.INTENSITY_CACHE = malloc(numThreads * sizeof(double*)) D.acc.VEC_CACHE = malloc(numThreads * sizeof(double*)) for T in range(numThreads): D.acc.BN[T] = malloc(D.p.ndims * sizeof(size_t)) D.acc.node_vals[T] = malloc(2 * D.p.ndims * sizeof(double)) D.acc.SPACE[T] = malloc(4 * D.p.ndims * sizeof(double)) D.acc.DIFF[T] = malloc(4 * D.p.ndims * sizeof(double)) D.acc.INTENSITY_CACHE[T] = malloc(256 * sizeof(double)) D.acc.VEC_CACHE[T] = malloc(D.p.ndims * sizeof(double)) for i in range(D.p.ndims): D.acc.BN[T][i] = 0 D.acc.VEC_CACHE[T][i] = D.p.params[i][1] D.acc.node_vals[T][2*i] = D.p.params[i][1] D.acc.node_vals[T][2*i + 1] = D.p.params[i][2] j = 4*i D.acc.SPACE[T][j] = 1.0 / (D.p.params[i][0] - D.p.params[i][1]) D.acc.SPACE[T][j] /= D.p.params[i][0] - D.p.params[i][2] D.acc.SPACE[T][j] /= D.p.params[i][0] - D.p.params[i][3] D.acc.SPACE[T][j + 1] = 1.0 / (D.p.params[i][1] - D.p.params[i][0]) D.acc.SPACE[T][j + 1] /= D.p.params[i][1] - D.p.params[i][2] D.acc.SPACE[T][j + 1] /= D.p.params[i][1] - D.p.params[i][3] D.acc.SPACE[T][j + 2] = 1.0 / (D.p.params[i][2] - D.p.params[i][0]) D.acc.SPACE[T][j + 2] /= D.p.params[i][2] - D.p.params[i][1] D.acc.SPACE[T][j + 2] /= D.p.params[i][2] - D.p.params[i][3] D.acc.SPACE[T][j + 3] = 1.0 / (D.p.params[i][3] - D.p.params[i][0]) D.acc.SPACE[T][j + 3] /= D.p.params[i][3] - D.p.params[i][1] D.acc.SPACE[T][j + 3] /= D.p.params[i][3] - D.p.params[i][2] D.acc.DIFF[T][j] = D.acc.VEC_CACHE[T][i] - D.p.params[i][1] D.acc.DIFF[T][j] *= D.acc.VEC_CACHE[T][i] - D.p.params[i][2] D.acc.DIFF[T][j] *= D.acc.VEC_CACHE[T][i] - D.p.params[i][3] D.acc.DIFF[T][j + 1] = D.acc.VEC_CACHE[T][i] - D.p.params[i][0] D.acc.DIFF[T][j + 1] *= D.acc.VEC_CACHE[T][i] - D.p.params[i][2] D.acc.DIFF[T][j + 1] *= D.acc.VEC_CACHE[T][i] - D.p.params[i][3] D.acc.DIFF[T][j + 2] = D.acc.VEC_CACHE[T][i] - D.p.params[i][0] D.acc.DIFF[T][j + 2] *= D.acc.VEC_CACHE[T][i] - D.p.params[i][1] D.acc.DIFF[T][j + 2] *= D.acc.VEC_CACHE[T][i] - D.p.params[i][3] D.acc.DIFF[T][j + 3] = D.acc.VEC_CACHE[T][i] - D.p.params[i][0] D.acc.DIFF[T][j + 3] *= D.acc.VEC_CACHE[T][i] - D.p.params[i][1] D.acc.DIFF[T][j + 3] *= D.acc.VEC_CACHE[T][i] - D.p.params[i][2] cdef double *address = NULL # Cache intensity for T in range(numThreads): for i in range(4): for j in range(4): for k in range(4): for l in range(4): address = D.p.I + (D.acc.BN[T][0] + i) * D.p.S[0] address += (D.acc.BN[T][1] + j) * D.p.S[1] address += (D.acc.BN[T][2] + k) * D.p.S[2] address += D.acc.BN[T][3] + l D.acc.INTENSITY_CACHE[T][i * D.p.BLOCKS[0] + j * D.p.BLOCKS[1] + k * D.p.BLOCKS[2] + l] = address[0] # Cast for generalised usage in integration routines return D cdef int free_hot(size_t numThreads, void *const data) nogil: # This function must match the initialisation routine init_hot() # in terms of freeing dynamically allocated memory. This is entirely # the user's responsibility to manage. # The void pointer must be appropriately cast before memory is freed -- # only the user can know this at compile time. # Just use free( data) iff no memory was dynamically # allocated in the function: # init_hot() # because data is expected to be NULL in this case cdef DATA *D = data cdef size_t T for T in range(numThreads): free(D.acc.BN[T]) free(D.acc.node_vals[T]) free(D.acc.SPACE[T]) free(D.acc.DIFF[T]) free(D.acc.INTENSITY_CACHE[T]) free(D.acc.VEC_CACHE[T]) free(D.acc.BN) free(D.acc.node_vals) free(D.acc.SPACE) free(D.acc.DIFF) free(D.acc.INTENSITY_CACHE) free(D.acc.VEC_CACHE) free(D) return SUCCESS #----------------------------------------------------------------------->>> # >>> Cubic polynomial interpolation. # >>> Improve acceleration properties... i.e. do not recompute numerical # ... weights or re-read intensities if not necessary. #----------------------------------------------------------------------->>> cdef double eval_hot(size_t THREAD, double E, double mu, const double *const VEC, void *const data) nogil: # Arguments: # E = photon energy in keV # mu = cosine of ray zenith angle (i.e., angle to surface normal) # VEC = variables such as temperature, effective gravity, ... # data = numerical model data required for intensity evaluation # This function must cast the void pointer appropriately for use. cdef DATA *D = data cdef: size_t i = 0, ii double I = 0.0, temp double *node_vals = D.acc.node_vals[THREAD] size_t *BN = D.acc.BN[THREAD] double *SPACE = D.acc.SPACE[THREAD] double *DIFF = D.acc.DIFF[THREAD] double *I_CACHE = D.acc.INTENSITY_CACHE[THREAD] double *V_CACHE = D.acc.VEC_CACHE[THREAD] double vec[4] double E_eff = k_B_over_keV * pow(10.0, VEC[0]) int update_baseNode[4] int CACHE = 0 vec[0] = VEC[0] vec[1] = VEC[1] vec[2] = mu vec[3] = log10(E / E_eff) while i < D.p.ndims: # if parallel == 31: # printf("\nDimension: %d", i) update_baseNode[i] = 0 if vec[i] < node_vals[2*i] and BN[i] != 0: # if parallel == 31: # printf("\nExecute block 1: %d", i) update_baseNode[i] = 1 while vec[i] < D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 1]: # if parallel == 31: # printf("\n!") # printf("\nvec i: %.8e", vec[i]) # printf("\nBase node: %d", BN[i]) if BN[i] > 0: BN[i] -= 1 elif vec[i] <= D.p.params[i][0]: vec[i] = D.p.params[i][0] break elif BN[i] == 0: break node_vals[2*i] = D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 1] node_vals[2*i + 1] = D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 2] # if parallel == 31: # printf("\nEnd Block 1: %d", i) elif vec[i] > node_vals[2*i + 1] and BN[i] != D.p.N[i] - 4: # if parallel == 31: # printf("\nExecute block 2: %d", i) update_baseNode[i] = 1 while vec[i] > D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 2]: if BN[i] < D.p.N[i] - 4: BN[i] += 1 elif vec[i] >= D.p.params[i][D.p.N[i] - 1]: vec[i] = D.p.params[i][D.p.N[i] - 1] break elif BN[i] == D.p.N[i] - 4: break node_vals[2*i] = D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 1] node_vals[2*i + 1] = D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 2] # if parallel == 31: # printf("\nEnd Block 2: %d", i) # if parallel == 31: # printf("\nTry block 3: %d", i) if V_CACHE[i] != vec[i] or update_baseNode[i] == 1: # if parallel == 31: # printf("\nExecute block 3: %d", i) ii = 4*i DIFF[ii] = vec[i] - D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 1] DIFF[ii] *= vec[i] - D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 2] DIFF[ii] *= vec[i] - D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 3] DIFF[ii + 1] = vec[i] - D.p.params[i][BN[i]] DIFF[ii + 1] *= vec[i] - D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 2] DIFF[ii + 1] *= vec[i] - D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 3] DIFF[ii + 2] = vec[i] - D.p.params[i][BN[i]] DIFF[ii + 2] *= vec[i] - D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 1] DIFF[ii + 2] *= vec[i] - D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 3] DIFF[ii + 3] = vec[i] - D.p.params[i][BN[i]] DIFF[ii + 3] *= vec[i] - D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 1] DIFF[ii + 3] *= vec[i] - D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 2] V_CACHE[i] = vec[i] # if parallel == 31: # printf("\nEnd block 3: %d", i) # if parallel == 31: # printf("\nTry block 4: %d", i) if update_baseNode[i] == 1: # if parallel == 31: # printf("\nExecute block 4: %d", i) CACHE = 1 SPACE[ii] = 1.0 / (D.p.params[i][BN[i]] - D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 1]) SPACE[ii] /= D.p.params[i][BN[i]] - D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 2] SPACE[ii] /= D.p.params[i][BN[i]] - D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 3] SPACE[ii + 1] = 1.0 / (D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 1] - D.p.params[i][BN[i]]) SPACE[ii + 1] /= D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 1] - D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 2] SPACE[ii + 1] /= D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 1] - D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 3] SPACE[ii + 2] = 1.0 / (D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 2] - D.p.params[i][BN[i]]) SPACE[ii + 2] /= D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 2] - D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 1] SPACE[ii + 2] /= D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 2] - D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 3] SPACE[ii + 3] = 1.0 / (D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 3] - D.p.params[i][BN[i]]) SPACE[ii + 3] /= D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 3] - D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 1] SPACE[ii + 3] /= D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 3] - D.p.params[i][BN[i] + 2] # if parallel == 31: # printf("\nEnd block 4: %d", i) i += 1 cdef size_t j, k, l, INDEX, II, JJ, KK cdef double *address = NULL # Combinatorics over nodes of hypercube; weight cgs intensities for i in range(4): II = i * D.p.BLOCKS[0] for j in range(4): JJ = j * D.p.BLOCKS[1] for k in range(4): KK = k * D.p.BLOCKS[2] for l in range(4): address = D.p.I + (BN[0] + i) * D.p.S[0] address += (BN[1] + j) * D.p.S[1] address += (BN[2] + k) * D.p.S[2] address += BN[3] + l temp = DIFF[i] * DIFF[4 + j] * DIFF[8 + k] * DIFF[12 + l] temp *= SPACE[i] * SPACE[4 + j] * SPACE[8 + k] * SPACE[12 + l] INDEX = II + JJ + KK + l if CACHE == 1: I_CACHE[INDEX] = address[0] I += temp * I_CACHE[INDEX] #if gsl_isnan(I) == 1: #printf("\nIntensity: NaN; Index [%d,%d,%d,%d] ", #BN[0], BN[1], BN[2], BN[3]) #printf("\nBase-nodes [%d,%d,%d,%d] ", #BN[0], BN[1], BN[2], BN[3]) if I < 0.0: return 0.0 return I * pow(10.0, 3.0 * vec[0]) cdef double eval_hot_norm() nogil: # Source radiation field normalisation which is independent of the # parameters of the parametrised model -- i.e. cell properties, energy, # and angle. # Writing the normalisation here reduces the number of operations required # during integration. # The units of the specific intensity need to be J/cm^2/s/keV/steradian. return erg / 4.135667662e-18