.. module:: xpsi.HotRegion .. _hotregion: HotRegion ========= Instances of :class:`~.HotRegion.HotRegion` are objects representing radiatively intense regions of the source photosphere. .. figure:: _static/super_cede_omit.png :width: 600 Representation of the ``HotRegion`` class instantiation options ``omit`` and ``cede``. The image also shows the prefixes used for the instance attributes associated with each type of region constituting a ``HotRegion`` object. .. figure:: _static/HotRegion_parameters.png :width: 600 Representation of a ``HotRegion`` instance configuration, when ``omit`` or ``cede`` are set to ``True``. A description of these parameters is also presented below. If ``is_antiphased = True``, the parameter ``phase_shift`` is added to :math:`\pi` radians. For example, if ``phase_shift = 0``, the omission or the superseding region (respectively on the left and right side of the image) is in anti-phase with the observer meridian (i.e., its azimuth is :math:`\pi`). .. autoclass:: xpsi.HotRegion.HotRegion :members: __construct_cellMesh, __compute_rays, __compute_cellParamVecs, embed, psi, integrate, integrate_stokes, num_rays, sqrt_num_cells, leaves, phases, set_phases, phases_in_cycles, print_settings, num_cells, cede, concentric :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: xpsi.HotRegion.RayError :show-inheritance: .. autoclass:: xpsi.HotRegion.PulseError :show-inheritance: